Chapter Four

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After coming out of the comfortable water, my body felt relaxed, my muscles adjusting to the softness and relief of being relaxed underneath the water. Everything was now back to its normal temperature, the painful burning was gone. Collecting a robe, I wrap it around my wet body. The soft fabric comforting my relaxed flesh, my eyes guide towards the small mirror that was in the corner of the room. My reflection shocked me, it was if like I saw a ghost. My skins color has disappeared and instead of being a light color it became a pale one.

The dark circles surrounding my eyes and dark color of my hair scared me. All that has happened was affecting me drastically. I wasn't this way before I met . . . before I met . . . the beast.

It was strange, whatever I have with the beast makes me unconditionally have it. This. . . This sort of bond. I'm not sure how to call it neither think about it as a good thing or bad thing. It's confusing me all over and I can't stand the fact of thinking even more about the beast. The silver eyed wolf in the woods and other things that came inside my mind.

-"Dear?" Grandmother called from the door, drifting me out of my thoughts. –"There's some clothes in the corner of the room, you can use those if you please and hurry I'm preparing the food your mother cooked for me" My eyes guide towards the corner of the room, once I spot the piece of clothing my body shivers. The white dress. The white dress of the dream? Impossible. No . . . I am probably crazy. Yeah, I'm crazy. . . for the beast. No!


Stop it already.

-"Honey? Everything okay?" The voice of my concerned grandmother spoke from the other side of the frame. –"Y-Yes grandma, don't worry" I reply, trying to sound sincere. I hear her walk away and I glance back again at the dress. It's not the same dress. It's not the same dress. I change into clean underwear and put the dress on, my hair cascading down my shoulders.

I stare at myself once again, the mirror shows the same image as I had in the dream. The white dress. That man and I. . . doing whatever is it called.

My thoughts kept torturing me, once I exited the room I found my grandmother carrying two plates, but I quickly approach her and take them away from her hands. –"No grandma, let me help you. Remember that I'm here to take care of you" I smiled joyfully. Grandmother laughed and shook her head while walking towards her chair and sat on it. I placed the bowl in front of her as I placed mine in front of my side.

Slowly I sat down and watched grandmother scan me. Her eyes held a sad but happy overwhelming look. Her light brown eyes kept going over my face and hair which took me by surprise. –"You're so beautiful my darling, you remind me of someone" She whispers, softening her look and smiling. Deep inside I felt myself happy by her words but, grandmother sure was even more beautiful. –"Maybe it's heredity grandma" I smiled and grabbed my spoon. –"Maybe" She commented. We began to eat, both of us enjoying the warm soup that my mother had prepared for grandma. The scent of the vegetables and the chicken was amazing, each time I ate it I moaned at the delicious flavor of the soup. Grandmother laughed at my outburst and went back eating.

-"Your mother learned from the best honey" Grandma winked and stood up, collecting her plate. But then again, I stood up and grabbed the plate away from her. –"I'll help grandma, you should go rest now. The sun is setting and I'm sure you didn't sleep well yesterday" I instructed and walked grandmother to her room, her coughs began to be harder which I know pained her lungs. Once we reach her room, I laid her down and covered her with the thin sheets. –"Sleep well grandma" I whispered and gave her a good night kiss on the forehead.

Helping grandmother doesn't seem to bother me, I'm glad to help her whenever she would like and taking care of her will make me know her even more after all of this years.

Once I collect the plates and washed them, I went back to cleaning the small house. There were different frames and dusty places where it needed some of my assistance. My eyes begin to stare at some of the frames and then I notice an specific frame. Oh my god. . . Grandmother? She looked just like me, some features different but we looked similar. Her light brown hair and glowing skin sure matched mine. . . But. . . How is that possible? Is that grandmother? Wow, I think heredity is the right answer.

I smiled and kept on cleaning, feeling myself happy by watching the different items around the house. The dust was almost gone but, I was already tired and my body felt tired and weak. My hands felt heavy and my neck was aching. That's it for today. . . Maybe I'm finish tomorrow.

Silently I walked towards my room, it was down the small hallway, once I opened the door there was a small bed and a candle lighting the comfortable small room. My body laid itself down the comfortable bed, my body relaxing against the soft bed sheets and my eyes closing allow the dreams to claim my night.

The moon, the woods, the light and the sky every single thing taken out of a fairy tale. I couldn't understand how is it that they're so beautiful and captivating. I stare down and feel the grass underneath my naked feet. My flesh relaxing at the contact of the cold breeze. I felt so relax, adoring the feeling of it. The trees dance back and forth with the wind, the leaves flying away with the breeze as my hair and dress fly with it. My eyes close and I let it relax me even more, feeling myself in peace. In serene peace. . .

-"Beautiful" The voice comes behind me, a warm breath brushing against my shoulder and suddenly a burning sensation flies down my body. My insides tensing and trembling at the divine feeling. The beast. . .

His arms wrap around me, as my back presses against his sculpted chest. The sensations make me close my eyes and allow him to kiss my sensible flesh. The burning kisses turn on my desire. The combination of my inside feelings and physical desire began to drive me crazy. His soft lips pressing against my flesh and slowly nibbling it with his wet warm tongue had my legs weakening. He growls, turning me around and I feel myself staring at the human beast. . . The handsome man looking back at me. . . was the beast. . .

Normally I would freak out, but I couldn't. . . It was the beast and the reactions he was making me have my his actions made me go insane. –"kiss me" I whisper, pushing him closer to my small frame. He growls dangerously and slowly I feel his lips touch the tip of mine, the fire lighted up and my body—


She slept like an angel, the moonlight glowing against her skin. My eyes stare down her, the lips which I desired to kiss and those light brown eyes tantalizing me every time. . . I thought I would never find her. But, here she is and nobody is going to take her away from me. Not even that man that desired to touch her more than he did, but I'm sure he will never be near her neither touch a single skin of her.

"Please have mercy! Please!"

"No. NO!"

My thoughts went away as she moved on the bed, her body arousing mine. She was burning deep inside and I knew why. But it would have to wait. . . Soon she will be mine. . .


Red Riding Hoods Beast : Erotic Fairy Tales Series #1Where stories live. Discover now