Chapter Eleven

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The wind dragged the trees surrounding the small village, curious eyes scanned the gray and dark colors that mixed within the blue sky. Cotton clouds began to scatter as the hushing of the wind kept bringing the coldness and abnormal notice to the villagers. The first in command walked towards the stage with no doubt, feeling like if the sky heard his prayers and he was about to win the jackpot. –"Ladies and Gentlemen, please come and listen to the most spectacular news that has been given to me" He announced, distracting the villagers from their normal routines and errands on the market.

The plaza began to crowd itself with different faces of the villagers, sensing something extraordinary come out of the commanders mouth. –"As we all know, the beast has been threatening our village and fearing us underneath his bloody claws! But, good news have fallen upon me and tonight! We will slaughter the monster after he suffers the pain of what we had lost!" He pronounces proudly. Radiating the confidence to others and hope as the news had fallen upon their ears.

The beast killed, tonight?
      The beast will fall?
           The beast. . . Oh good lord, we pray for your glorifying miracle that has fallen upon our hands.
The beast will finally fall!

The thoughts and rumbling ideas that came from the villages minds kept flowing as the commander kept giving his speech about the miracle that he thinks is a blessing. –"But. . . But. . . He has one of us on his side" He spoke with anger. Peoples gasps filled the plaza and questions fell on each other's ears as they overthought about the person that could be the traitor. –"and in fact, it's a woman. . . naïve and stupid that fell for the claws of that . . . THAT MONSTER!" People stepped back at the horrendous words that came off the commanders mouth. Sudden fear and insecurity developed on them.

-"She! SHE AND HIM! Both inhuman creatures sharing something us humans do, but there is a abomination of human kinds traditions. She will pay for being the sinner, the black sheep, the company of that monster and ignoring our warnings!" A babies cry was heard in the distance, then woman's gasps and crying filled the plaza.

Who could it be?
    Why her?
        Can't she have a chance?
            Why not just him instead of her?

Their thoughts began to overwhelm their minds, the commander shouted, -"Silence!" He pointed behind him at the second in command, making people feel the shock and betrayal. –"His daughter is our traitor! Your daughter will pay every single of her sins after she receives her punishment" He snapped. The second in command astonished glared at the first in command, his insides compressing at the thought of his daughter going through that pain.

-"NO! My daughter would have never done such evil. She is innocent! She is nothing of what you're saying at this moment, all you can do it lie to us and make us fear even more what's out there!" The mother of the young woman shouts her rage towards the first in command. Her face showing danger as her hands turn into first, numbing her knuckles and fingers as they turn white. –"Honey, don't" Her husband says, and stares at her reassuring her that everything will be fine.

The first in command bursts in laughter, feeling like if the most entertaining show was taking over in front of his eyes. –"Innocent? That girl isn't like us, quiet, distant, a total outcast that we all envied. Her beauty could bring any man to her knees as well abominations like the beast! She's no other but a cheap whore that took us for dumb fools, that's what she is and she is paying the consequences like it. . . or not!" The first in command felt his irritation rise as the first in command was about to speak his thoughts. –"Take them both away!" He ordered the guards, the screams and cries of women and men filled the plaza.

Red Riding Hoods Beast : Erotic Fairy Tales Series #1Where stories live. Discover now