Chapter 1: Memories

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Hello friends. So, you asked me the other day if I could tell you what I did before I became what I am now. Well, take a seat, this is going to take a loooong time...

I was standing in the airlock of the small space station I called home, next to my spaceship. In my hand I was holding two lightsabers. One was mine. The other was not. The saber I had wielded for so long, the one with a sleek steel-colored hilt and a blue Ilum crystal, was no longer a worthy weapon for me. Instead, I looked to the lightsaber I held in my right hand, a black-hilted lightsaber with a red synthetic crystal, and decided that this was my weapon now. For I was no longer a mere Jedi. I was a true warrior. A Sith warrior.

I stepped through the airlock into the fairly boring-looking orbital station, in orbit of an uninhabited planet that had no atmosphere. While having a station orbiting a useless planet was, well, useless, it provided us enough cover and shelter to hide from the Jedi menace. The very menace I was a part of, not even too long ago. The other men and women who passed me by in the dull metal hallways looked at me like I was in the wrong side of the station. They weren't wrong.

This section of the station was reserved for meeting rooms and such, and I was much too young to be here. Only Sith Lords were allowed. But one of the men, a powerful Lord named Kokkus, nodded to me, not really in respect, but instead merely acknowledging my presence; I was his sister's Apprentice, after all... And more.

Darth Rehual, the dreaded seductress among the Sith. Her raven black long hair, fair as silk, and bright green shining eyes rivaled the stars with their beauty. I was her latest prize. I knew I wasn't her first, but I felt that she understood me. Most didn't. But I digress, you don't want to hear me praising her looks any longer. Besides, if my wife hears me doing so, I'll hear about it for months...

As I stepped into one of the smaller conference rooms, I immediately noticed the smell: the scent of some kind of flower, couldn't say what. Actually, it was mildly intoxicating, now that I think about it. I can only assume she was wearing perfume.

The next thing I noted was the dim lighting, with a red hue to it. I was a bit confused at the moment, because this wasn't a social call; I was coming to give her a report about my latest mission. So naturally, I was even more confused when I noticed her outfit: a pitch-black skirt, short enough to keep my attention fixed on her, yet long enough - but only barely - to cover her. On her feet she wore black leather ankle boots with three buckled straps on them to make sure they didn't slip off. Her chest and back was covered by a matchingly colored corset. If I had to describe her with one word, that word would be "alluring".

"My Apprentice. You have returned." she said, with a soft voice. I was terrified of her beauty, because the fact she attempted to seem as seductive as possible was a certain sign she knew my true intentions. I had no problem with my Master looking good, she was certainly a sight for sore eyes, but on this occasion I was outright scared.

"As requested, my Lord." I answered, keeping my voice calm, despite my fear. She turned, allowing me to see the smile on her lips, which were colored black to make her seem even more desirable in my eyes. "You finished constructing your lightsaber, I see." she says, glancing at the black-hilted Sith saber on my belt. "I did. And the Jedi Knight is dead, as you ordered." I reply to her, thus finishing the reportation.

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