Chapter 9: The Sith ambition

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"Please, let me go..." The young, beautiful voice filled with desperation, pain and shame woke me from my thoughts. I was returned to the real world by the sight that met my eyes: a blue Twi'lek girl just as young and beautiful as she sounded, sobbing quietly, squirming under me trying to get away. Just as naked as I was, but clearly in much more pain, and much less pleasure.

I chuckled. "Why would I let you go? I'm not done with you yet..." The girl kept sobbing, moaning and squirming. "Let me go... please..." She said, more than many times. And my answer was always the same, always a question. "Why?" And only an hour or two later, when I was done with her for the time being, I let her crawl away from under me.

But I didn't let her get far. She was in the bed that dominated the captain's quarters in my Fury, but the door was locked. After realizing she wouldn't get away she curled up on the floor in the corner furthest away from me. I was satisfied, and her pain and fear amused me.

Eventually I got up and walked to the girl. She shivered, but I forced her to lie on her back as still as she could. I pressed my right hand on her lower abdomen and closed my eyes. "You can do this, Cormac..." I whispered too quietly for the girl to understand. "You saw Rehual do it many times, you can do it..."

I focused. She screamed. She was in so much pain, and she couldn't tell why. Some minutes later I stopped; I had done what I needed to do. "W-what did y-you do..?" my prisoner asked, in pain and afraid. "I destroyed something you need to have kids. We can't have you get pregnant, now can we?" I replied with a sly grin on my face.

After a while, after she was done cursing at me while sobbing, and after I'd punished her for it, I got dressed and walked to my ship's meeting room. It was a room just big enough to house a large conference table and eight chairs around it. I sat on the one closest to the door and started meditating.

That wasn't my first rape. Nor was it the last. I didn't really care for other individuals, and I'd always felt that aliens were somehow inferior to me. I was a human of Coruscant. And only humans and Red Sith were great enough to rule the galaxy. And the Red Sith were gone, extinct. Besides, Twi'leks were sold to slavery all the time.

I was evil. I knew I was evil. I still am. I never cared about it and I still don't. I wanted to rape that Twi'lek, so I did it. It didn't matter to me if she had a lover, a family, a life. I took her away from it, to my ship to be used as my plaything. I liked it. I liked hurting, abusing and violating her. And I knew that I wasn't even the worst slave owner there was. I couldn't afford to be. After all, I only had one slave...

I started thinking about what I wanted to do next. Would I go and conquer a planet? No, I couldn't do that. How about getting another slave? It would be nice to have two to choose from. Maybe later, another slave didn't seem important. "What am I?" I thought to myself. "What am I?"

I am a Sith Lord. I realized that I couldn't be happy with what I had. I wanted more. Power. Money. Strength. Strength... through passion. Of course. I had forgotten what was most important.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains will be broken. The Force shall set me free."

The Sith Code. I recited it to myself many times, to remind me what I was, what I still am. I am Sith. I was destined to take what I felt was mine. But what was mine? What could I claim? What did I even want to claim? I thought and when the answer hit me, it was too simple.

I was destined to conquer the universe. I was destined to have an Empire to rule over. What belonged to me? Everything belonged to me.

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