Chapter 2: The last dance

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I was fighting my urge to walk closer and kiss Darth Rehual, which was, mind you, really hard to resist. She was pleased at my words, or so it seemed, and walked closer to me, stopping right in front of me, with barely a foot of empty space between us. Before I could react - not that I would've, to be honest - , she leaned forward and kissed me, compressing her lips against mine. This shouldn't have surprised me, for I knew what she planned, but I was caught off-guard. And that kiss was the final straw to my resistance.

For a moment, I forgot where I was, and why, and simply concentrated on kissing her while I undid her corset's laces. I do realize that relationships between teachers and students are looked down upon, but I doubt any man would've acted differently in my situation... like I said, she was intoxicating.

After what seemed like an eternity, I managed to open her corset, letting it fall on the floor, exposing her naked torso for my eyes to feast on. I heard her mutter something in the language of the Sith, but I didn't understand, so I took no notice. Re-entering the kiss she had broken, I pushed my tongue inside her mouth, wrestling with her tongue for dominance over the area.

We moved towards the conference room table, and I pinned my Master down on her back, between the table and my body, which she was already undressing eagerly. When she reached my belt, howewer, I realized what had to be done. I took my lightsaber and ignited it into her stomach, catching her off-guard. I was sad to have done this, but it was merely a matter of who acted first. Nevertheless, she was shocked.

She looked at me, horrified of my action, but not surprised. In her eyes I saw fear, fear of facing what all Sith seek to avoid - death. Her fear only fueled my will to live. I was certain I did not want to die for a long time. When she finally gasped her last, and the light from her eyes faded, I set her down on the table.

I took my Master's lightsaber, with a hilt about fifteen inches long, colored black, with six hooked claws protruding from the blade emitter shroud. It was a beautiful weapon, cruel and brutal. Fit for its former owner. And fit for me. I then left the chamber, and walked to my quarters, keeping a brisk pace. The moment Darth Rehual's murder was noticed, her brother would be alerted - and I would surely die.

Entering my room, I took my lightsabers and put them on belt clips on my chest. Apprentice Shay, Lord Koris' Apprentice, was there. A man I called  my friend. He looked at me curiously and asked: "What in the world are you doing? Are you leaving?" I looked into his eyes with mine, giving him the most serious gaze I could. He then noticed my Master's lightsaber on my belt and immediately understood what I had done.

"How did you-" he started. I interrupted him with my response: "I caught her off-guard." My voice was cold, to my surprise. It showed not a hint of emotion, no sign of regret. Damn, I sounded like a Jedi. Realizing this, I smirked. The Jedi are murderers. They have the same lack of emotion in their voice as madmen. The Sith were not the bad guys, I thought to myself.

Shay understood how I had killed her; Darth Rehual's reputation spoke for itself. He nodded in silence, growling a goodbye in the wookiee language. Pleased by this, I bowed to him, and left our quarters, headed to my ship.

There were some other Sith there, from acolytes to Lords, but I paid no attention to them. When I climbed into my ship's cockpit, an acolyte, one whose name I don't remember anymore, asked me why I left so soon after my arrival. I responded to him with a slightly sad voice: "I was given another mission." After this, the shell of the cockpit closed and the engine turned on, allowing me to take off.

And I left the station behind, the one I had called home for over two years. And I didn't look back.

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