Chapter 4: The Meeting

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I walked into the large casino that the Krayt Dragons called home, and for the whole time I could feel the gang members watching, ready to gun me down if need be. I walked down the elaborately decorated corridors, past the drunk gamblers, until I came across the biggest door in the building. That was my clue - the Hutts liked to supersize everything. The fat slugs wouldn't even bother to move, they had servants for that.

I knocked on the door, which led to a lot of blaster rifles being pointed at me. People didn't just come to knock this slug's door, they begged for an audience days before. But not me. I could easily take down the entire gang if I wanted to. At least, that's how I felt at the time.

The door was opened by a fragile-looking male Twi'lek slave, purple in color. He stared blankly at me, and it cleared to me that he had been numbed to the world by the torture he'd been through. He lived only to serve, nothing else.

I stepped in the room before I was announced, and the leader of the gang lazily raised her head to look up at me. "Do we know each other?" Fabuul the Hutt asked me, to which I nodded. "We've had dealings before. You know me as Bersak Gram." I used an alias when dealing with criminals, even as a Jedi. It was sometimes inevitable, to achieve something greater. The Hutt's eyes lit up at the name - I was always a well-paying customer. "Ah, Bersak. I remember you." said the slug with her slow voice. "What do you require of me this time?" I raised my head at her question, and looked directly into her eyes, letting her see the orange color of mine.

Before falling to the Dark Side, my eyes had been olive green, and my gesture told the well-educated Hutt of my change. She noticed, I am sure. But she certainly didn't show it in any way. "Can I ask, what did you do with the Rancor you bought from me three years ago, with your master?" she asked me. I simply answered: "I put it to good use, and now a lot of people are dead. Some were your rivals." I'd point out. "Then I am in your debt. I hate being endebted to someone, so is there anything I could provide you?" was her response.

"I am in need of a fast and durable ship. I have to fly it alone, but there must be room for a small crew as well." The Hutt looked down at me. "You demand much. This will wipe my debt clean, for certain." I looked into her eyes, and said: "Of course. When I have the ship, you can consider us even." She nodded. "You will have your ship in two days. It'll arrive to the usual hangar in the Mezenti Spaceport, with a full fuel storage." I thanked the Hutt in her native language, and left the room and the casino.

Right at the front door, some lowlife sprinted past me, and snatched one of my lightsabers from my belt. Without thinking, I immediately charged after him, dodging passing gang members, the thief doing the same. After a few city blocks, the fool turned left, between two large storage containers. I used the Force to leap up on top of one of them, and then hopped down on top of the thief, pinning him under myself.

"Let me go! You can have it back!" The young man said, clearly terrified of my eyes. See, my eyes, unlike most humans, they glow. As the man gazed at the faint glow of my warped eyes, he could feel his bones compressing around his brain. He screamed for a moment, and struggled like hell, but he fell quiet the moment his cranium collapsed into his head, creating a puddle of blood, brains, and some other stuff. I then took back my lightsaber, and headed off, to explore the pleasures of the Smuggler's Moon.

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