Chapter 5: Complications

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I woke up, feeling a throbbing headache. I had no memory of last evening, other than the fact that I was in some kind of bar. After groaning in pain for a moment, I figured this must be a hangover. I now had two of the things on the list I made in my mind. I seemed to be lying on a bed, under a blanket. I couldn't feel a single piece of clothing on me. When I looked to my left I saw a yellow Twi'lek woman, sleeping, otherwise looking to be in a similar condition to me. I smirked - the list was complete.

I got up, letting the girl sleep, and got dressed quickly. I looked around the small apartment I was in. It was cheap, on the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa. The furniture was simple, and looked to have been in use for a long time. From the window opened a view to a factory block. The walls were covered in drawings - the girl was a good artist. I looked at the drawings of jungles, Twi'leks and some kinds of alien animals, and I wondered whether they were things from Ryloth. Twi'leks sure were. The other things, I was unsure of.

I left the apartment silently, and after closing the door I stopped dead in my tracks - I was staring at a large man, one who seemed to be the leader of the group of four armed gang members behind him. "May I help you?" I asked in the most polite tone I could muster in my current state. "Who the hell are you?" the man asked in an annoyed tone. He seemed angry at something. "And what are you doing in this house?" I tried to walk past the man, but he stepped in my way. He clearly expected me to answer the question, and my action didn't exactly please him, from the look on his face. "Ehh... who are you anyway?" I asked, starting to get a little angry myself too. "I don't live here." I added.

My words angered the guy even more, and he grabbed my throat and violently pushed me against the apartment door. I looked into the man's eyes, and grabbed his hand, and he felt the painful electricity of my Force Lightning surge through his body. As he thrashed in pain, I listened to his yelling, and could see the men behind him start to retreat. They had realized I wielded the Dark Side, and they weren't ready to fight a Sith. As the man I was slowly killing let go of my throat, and fell limp on the ground, the rest of the men looked at each other, dropped their blaster rifles and ran for it. I let them.

I picked up the blasters, slung them on my back and started walking towards the Mezenti spaceport. The walk took me an hour, which gave me time to reflect on my training, and think of more inventive ways to murder people who I didn't like. After arriving I immediately went to my hangar, to look at the new ship.

The ship was a Fury class Imperial vessel, designed similarly to a ship I had seen in a holocron about the Cold War, which was thousands of years ago. I went inside it, and looked at the furnishings. It looked very... Sith. Imperial design, a sleek black control console in the middle of the main room, some corridors. After setting the rifles I had taken on the ground I went to the cockpit, and laid my eyes on the galaxy map hologram. Accurate, very accurate. I sat down in the pilot seat and selected my destination from the console - Ryloth.

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