Chapter 8

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Ok, so this chapter might be a little boring but I wanted you to know some history behind Sutton, Jason, and Taylor. Dont worry though, Evan comes in too.

Thanks again to everyone who read and voted and fanned and commented. Keep it coming :)


Chapter 8


Sutton’s POV:

            I quickly exited the study; the heat of his gaze was almost unbearable. Retreating from the room as quickly as possible, I high tailed it all the way to the kitchen. A lone staff worker was there, drying the last dish and putting it in the cupboard. Seeing me, she quickly scurried out, leaving me to my thoughts. I pulled out a stool and sat at the breakfast bar, staring out the large window in front of the sink that gave you a nice view of the back yard. I noted with joy that there was a swimming pool out there. Swimming was a close third to running and dancing.

            “What are you doing in here?” Taylor said as she walked in. She looked radiant in a soft yellow dress with her curls bouncing down to a few inches below her shoulders. My sister was stunning, and I felt a pang of envy shoot through me. She looked just like her parents; she had their genes and knew all about them. I didn’t know what my parents looked like, whether I took after my mom or dad.

 I wondered frequently what my biological family was like, who they were and what kind of life they had. Oddly enough though, I’d always wondered about whether I had another sibling or not the most. Having Taylor as my sister always made me wonder if I had a sibling out there in the world who wished they had a sister. Maybe if they didn’t know they had one, it was easier to live without one. I also frequently wondered about my parents. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand how they could just give me up. Especially if they knew they were werewolves and that I would be one. How could they give up their baby knowing that there was a chance she would grow up and shift all by herself because she was raised by humans. The first shift is the hardest, the most painful and perplexing thing. The first time I shifted I couldn’t understand what was happening; the only thing comprehendible was the pain. That was the day I became grateful for having werewolf parents because the thought of having to go through that was unimaginable.

            “Just thinking.” I answered Taylor. She nodded and walked around the bar until she was standing in front of me.  

            “Meet the Alpha and his family?” She asked.

            “Oh yes. I sure did.” I looked down, speaking slowly.

            “The son’s pretty hot, saw him when he was walking to the study. Parents are real nice. So is the rest of the pack. They’re all so friendly and…warm. So different then our old pack.”

            “Mhm.” I didn’t really want to discuss how cute Evan was. Though he was majorly cute.

            “So, you want to go check out more of the town tomorrow? Maybe go see some neighboring towns since this one is so dreadfully small. Maybe we could go to lunch and then go see what we have to work with.” She said excitedly.

            “Actually, I was thinking I’d spend the day with Jason.” I said absentmindedly.

            “Oh. Ok, well maybe the next day then.” Her voice was soft and sad. I looked up but she looked away.

            “Maybe.” I told her.

            “So, I guess you’re happy. Jason’s moving back.” She spoke, her voice interlaced with distain and oddly enough, there was a hint of jealousy. Her face was hard and impassive at the thought of Jason. She looked up at me and then down, her voice softer when she spoke. “It’ll be the two of you again.”

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