Chapter Two: Siblings (Part 2)

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Chapter Two: Siblings (Part 2)

Tiya Pov

"My name is Tiya and what are the names of you two cuties?" I smiled when they both giggled.

"I'm Hollen"   "I'm Polly"

Awwwww! These two where just too adorable. I wish I had a twin but after a while of thinking about it. I would rather not have another me because people can't even handle the one me that does exist.

Polly grabbed my hand and lightly pulled me fully into the living room. I sat down on the couch as Hollen and Polly sat on either side of me.

"Hollen and Polly I love to sit here and watch Wiggles with you guys, However I want to do some snooping on your brother. When you get older you'll understand why it's fun to do this. Tell me things that Trinton do for you two?"  I know it may seem wrong but I was just wondering how he acted with out me being around. You never know how someone acts if you're not around them 24/7.

Hollen smile grew so wide I thought she was just one of those yellow smileys. "Big brother is a father to us all. He watch wiggles with us. He cooks when mommy's not around. He even reads bed time stories to us. Trinton also helps us with our homework."

I felt my heart melt. That means Trinton is a family man and he knows how to take care of babies. I felt my heart speed up lightly just the thought of me baring kids for him was flattering and exciting.

"How does he treat everyone else?" I asked digging a little more deeper into the story.

Polly grabbed my hand with eagerness to get my attention. I turned to give her what she asked for. " Trinton didn't do nothing bad, Tiya. He is that way with everyone. Even mommy tends to find him as a father in the house hold. I remember the girl that came over to help baby-sit us. She was nice to brother because he was nice to her. I specially knew that brother wasn't just nice because she was cute. But she wasn't as pretty as you."

I placed my hand over my heart and smiled at her. But that's when we all jumped at the voice we heard.

"Polly and Hollen go upstairs and finish cleaning that messy room." Trinton voice came out of no where sternly.

Polly and Hollen whimpered and pouted as they made their way upstairs. I watched them as they retreat upstairs to their room. My eyes drifted to Trinton who was only in a pair of basketball shorts which were black. He had a nice orange v-neck and some socks and sandals.

He hopped over the couch like one of those cool boys and flopped on the couch beside me. I turned to him with a raised eyebrow. Trinton grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels as if I wasn't here. I yanked the remote from him. I want to know who this 'cute' girl was that came over last time he had to baby-sit.

Trinton turned his full attention to me. When I turned the TV off.

"Who was she Trinton??"

"Who was who?"

"The girl"

"What girl?"

"The one that help you baby sit last time."

"What are you talking about? Tiya you always do this and I don't want to hear it now. What ever your mind is thinking, you're wrong." Trinton sighed and placed his arms behind his head as he sunk more comfortably into the couch.

My grip tighten on the remote, "Don't play dumb with me Trinton!! Who was the girl?"

Trinton glared me, "What fucking girl?? Rebecca? She's a no body!!"

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