Council of the Lost Princess

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Alvena was stunned by her beauty, Arwen may took Alvena's breath away but this lady Galadriel made her stop breathing. Her beauty surpassed anybody she has ever seen. Lady Galadriel smiled at the gaping Alvena. "Alvena, close your mouth dear, you'll catch flies." Gandalf said as he sat at the circle table with Elrond on his side and another white wizard who just left, Alvena guessed that was Saruman the white. Elrond looked at Alvena as if he was seeing her for the first time. Then his eyes grew soft as if he knew her. 

Alvena closed her mouth then Lady Galadriel said somehow inside her head You're special Alvena, Middle Earth will soon lie in your hands, Alvena Baggins the Lost Princess. Making Alvena jump back and asked "How... what... " Gandalf laughed and said "Lady Galadriel, Lady of Light of Forest of Lothlorien. She is one of the last high elves with great powers." 

Alvena started to calm down and said "Sorry." Lady Galadriel smiled and said I know you must be confuse of who you are and where you come from. Gandalf, Saruman, and Lord Elrond started to walk away leaving Lady Galadriel and Alvena alone.

"Arwen told me you were her grandmother I was expecting..." Alvena said trying to figure what she could say that won't offend her. "Wrinkles? Old?" she asked as she showed her angelic smile. Alvena nodded making her chuckle. "My dear, we elves don't age. I may be old of age but my body and soul will never be." she said. 

"So you have answers to my questions?" Alvena asked as she sat at the round table. "Yes, I can't tell you all but I can tell you about your past." she said. Alvena looked into her deep sky blue eyes and said "Please tell, my heart seeks the truth."

"Long ago when Middle Earth was in peace where no evil walked this land, there lived a Kingdom that used to be in Mordor. We called it 'The red Kingdom' it was a joyous and happy kingdom, ruled by the powerful King Rahl and Queen Rose, the kingdom was as big as Gondor colored in gold, brown, and red because most of the people there had an element power. They could control fire, and fire burning out of their hands, and mostly when they are angered and when they fight their eyes will turn red. Most of the people who had the power were warriors and no one dared to claim war upon them. They were the most feared kingdom but they are friendly to me and some of the people I know. They were my dear friends.

King Rahl and Queen Rose then had a baby Princess but a few days later, they were attacked by a dark Lord named Sauron, many were killed that day but the King and Queen survived and so did their Princess. The King defended the Queen as she tried to escape and they put their Princess somewhere safe, somewhere where no one thought they would be there.... the Shire."

"Wait! So you are telling me that I am the Lost Princess?" Alvena asked. 

"That's up to you if you believe me or not." Lady Galadriel replied. 

"So where are the King and Queen?" Alvena asked. 

"They sailed west, Sauron was looking for their daughter because she could be a threat to him. So they sailed west making Sauron believe that they took their daughter with them." Lady Galadriel said. Alvena started to laugh hysterically but that's when she looked at Lady Galadriel and saw that she was not joking. Alvena gulped and fiddled her fingers and said nervously "So you are serious about me... being the Lost Princess?" Lady Galadriel nodded.

"How?" Alvena asked as she frustratedly run her hands through her short red hair. Lady Galadriel sighed making it sound like as if she was singing "That's what I cannot see, I think your mother put a spell on you to forget but we also thought that you sailed along with your parents but upon seeing you and feeling your presence I knew that you were their daughter.... but I know your mother very well and you have her hair and eyes." she said, making Alvena lose her mind. 

"What about mine and Bilbo's parents? Why didn't they tell me?" she asked frantically. 

"Maybe your mother also put a spell on them to make them think you are their real daughter. I just wished she brought you to me or Lord Elrond. It would not bring you to this situation, but she didn't want people to know." Lady Galadriel said as she stared off into the distance.

Alvena furiously stood up and pushed her chair back and slammed her fists on the table "It was wrong of her to just leave me here! Why didn't she bring me with her or at least leave me any memory of her and father? Does she even love me?" Alvena hissed as she felt her blood boil and her body temperature rise as her anger also rise. Lady Galadriel smiled and said "Everything happens for a reason Princess, she loves you and maybe there is a purpose behind it all that I cannot see but I will try my best." As another elf came with a small mirror in his hand. He gave the small mirror to Lady Galadriel, and Lady Galadriel held it out for Alvena "Look in the mirror if you don't believe me." she said, Alvena slowly made her way to the mirror and took it and as she looked at the mirror. Alvena gasped as she saw her eyes were pure red as her hair and lips.

Alvena dropped the mirror making it shatter as it hit the ground. Alvena backed away and said "This can't be... I... " 

"Alvena there's no need for you to be afraid. You may have the appearance of a fire elf, manners of an elf but you have a heart of a Hobbit and will always be one by your heart." Lady Galadriel said comforting Alvena. Alvena pondered on the thought and was absorbing the new information that might change her life forever. "Your mission is still years away my dear, you don't need to worry now. Just discover and have a great adventure! Meet new people! See new places! You are an elf, free to go as you desire... but just remember, you always have me, Gandalf, Arwen, my husband, and Lord Elrond to seek company or family. I shall see you again Princess Alvena of the Red Kingdom." Lady Galadriel said then she disappeared in thin air making Alvena rub her eyes making sure she didn't make up Lady Galadriel.

"She talks in my head... I wouldn't be surprise if she could do more." Alvena said to herself as she tried to find Gandalf.


Alvena found out that the dwarves and Bilbo went off first leaving her and Gandalf to catch up but what Alvena was nervous about was Bilbo, Alvena and Bilbo have never been separated in their whole lives. Alvena was finally riding on a real horse, it was color black given to her from Lord Elrond which she hugged him and said thank you a thousand times and Gandalf was on his brown horse.

Alvena was playing with the reins of the horse, imagining and picturing anything bad that could happen to Bilbo, being eaten by a pack of wargs, being slain by an Orc, or even worse..... Bilbo the clumsy one slipping and falling to his death. Alvena shuddered at the thought. 

"Vena stop your nervousness, Bilbo will be fine." Gandalf said. 

"I can't help it, I've never been separated from in ever.... I'm worried." Alvena said as she looked down. Gandalf sighed and said "Bilbo will be fine, he might be clumsy but he is brave and smart. No need to fret." Alvena was still also thinking about the Red Kingdom and her being the Lost Princess.

"Gandalf do you know anything about the Red Kingdom?" Alvena asked as she turned to look at the Grey Wizard. Gandalf raised an eyebrow and said "Yes, I know King Rahl very well. Good King, always looking after his people and training them how to defend themselves. And Queen Rose was the most graceful dancer ever lived in Middle Earth." Alvena smiled at this. Yes, it was hard for her to accept that she was an elf with different parents who she has no memory or knowledge about.

Gandalf then tensed and said "Quickly now! I can feel that the dwarves are in danger!" Making Alvena sit up straight on her horse and rushed along with Gandalf to save the dwarves.

Sorry if this is short. :D Please don't forget to Vote! Thanks for reading!!

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