Chapter Six

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'Oh! Look at the mess you made!' Miss Haver's shrill shout tried to deafen me as I crashed to the hardwood floor.

'What?' I said, rubbing my elbow where I had landed on it.

Miss Haver scooted me out of the way so she could scoop the dust back out of the cupboard and into the bin bag she had been carrying. I dusted myself off as I climbed to my feet and moved out of her way. She tutted and tied the black bag tight, lifting it and giving my shoulder a light nudge - her universal, non-verbal way of saying "follow me". I stumped down the stairs behind her, knowing that there would be nothing good waiting for me at the bottom. Miss Haver was a good matron, but when someone annoyed her - usually me - she was the strictest mother around.

She passed the bag to a girl hovering in the corridor and opened her door, stepping aside to let me pass her by. I went in and slumped into my usual chair.

'Ilaina,' she said, lowering herself into her chair. 'This has to stop. You can't keep hiding yourself away in that cupboard, talking to yourself and living in a little world of your own. It was bad enough before, but now you're taking soot in there to play with?'

She dropped her glasses on the table and rubbed her eyes. She looked tired, dark purple circles under her eyes. I couldn't remember her ever looking anything less than jovial before.

'I know you have friends here, and you're good with the little ones,' she said, 'so it's not like you have a good reason to be off on your own all the time.'

I nodded. I couldn't exactly tell her about the faeries. She would think I was being ridiculous. Magic didn't exist in the real world. It was for the fairy tales that were read to the younger kids.

'It won't happen again, Miss Haver,' I said, trying not to mumble.

'You're right it won't,' she said, puffing herself up. 'Look, Mr Ravencroft will be back in a few days and I want him to take one of you home. He seemed to like you, in particular, and I just don't want to see you disappointed again.'

'You really think he'll pick me?'

'Well, why wouldn't he? Illaina,' she paused, her features softening, 'you're a beautiful little girl with a lot of potential. He was excited when he was speaking of you, and Annie, for that matter. I know he's going to choose one of you. I'm actually hoping he takes you both. You're such good friends.'

I stared at her. Miss Haver had never spoken like this to me before. She didn't like to get our hopes up, usually with good reason.

'You'll see, little dove,' she said, grabbing my hand. 'You're special, and he knows it.


Mr Ravencroft didn't even bother with the other children when he came back. Annie and I stood alone in the hallway, trying not to tremor under the weight of his gaze. He wasn't doing anything else. Just staring.

'Such magical children,' he muttered, taking a half-step towards us.

I tried not flinch away from him, the vision of the dust monster still fresh in my memory. I checked his stomach as he moved past me to look at Annie again, just in case. It was just the same folds of brown as it had been before - no strange opening trying to suck me in.

'Miss Haver, dear,' Mr Ravencroft said, 'I think it's time we had a word.'

We sat on the bottom step as Mr Ravencroft and Miss Haver stepped into her office.

'Do you think he wants to adopt one of us?' Annie asked.

'I'm sure he will,' I said, picking at a thread on my skirt.

'What do you think they're talking about?'

'Legal stuff? He might even be signing something right now, adoption papers or whatever it is they have to sign.'

The house seemed too quiet for the time of day, like the entire house was holding its breath. Waiting for Mr Ravencroft to come back out of that office was almost painful. Our butts had long gone numb by the time we heard the tell-tale creak of Miss Haver's door opening.

'Moment of truth,' Annie said, holding my hand as we stood.

Miss Haver bustled into the hallway, bouncing on her feet like she was twenty again and had just been asked to dance by the most handsome guy in the room. I'd never seen her so happy.

'Oh, girls!' She skipped over to us when she noticed we were still hovering. 'Wonderful news!'

Annie's grip tightened around my fingers.Her nerves transferred to me and I found my legs shaking as Mr Ravencroft's looming form filled the office doorway.

'Girls, Mr Ravencroft has made a decision,' Miss Haver said, placing a hand on our shoulders.

She stepped aside to let Mr Ravencroft see us. The pause before he spoke was like staring into eternity. I watched in slow-motion as his mouth opened and he said a single word.

Annie gasped beside me and sank to the floor. Miss Haver ran to her and gave her a tight squeeze. I was still staring at Mr Ravencroft. His words hadn't quite sunk in.

'Ilaina,' Miss Haver said. 'Are you okay?'

I turned to look at her, still not quite believing what I'd heard.

'Say something, dear.'

My mind raced to catch up with what I'd heard. I turned back to look at Mr Ravencroft, who hadn't moved or spoken since his announcement. He was waiting, hands resting on top of his cane. It took me a moment to realise that he was waiting for me to speak.

'Ilaina?' he said.

A shock went through me, electricity crackling in my veins. He hadn't said my name any different to anyone else, but something happened when he did.

'I'm the new Ravencroft heir?' I stuttered.


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