Chapter Eighteen

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'Ilaina, be serious,' Peter said. 'You don't know how to fight them. You don't know the first thing about them.'

'They're burning one of the only homes I've ever had to the ground. Everything I owned was in there. They've taken everything from me,' I said, my words strong. 'I want to take something from them.'

The wary look that Peter gave to Helen let me know immediately that they would do everything they could to stop me, but Mr Ravencroft stepped towards me until he could place a hand on my shoulder. He leaned forward until his eyes were level with mine.

'I promise you, they will pay for what they've done here tonight,' he said, 'but this is also a good thing.'

I jerked away from him, slapping his hand off my shoulder. 'How could this possibly be a good thing?'

Peter stepped forward then. 'It means they're getting desperate. They've never attacked us to such an extreme before.'

I turned to look back at the mansion. I could just make out dark silhouettes moving around the outside of the building. Had they given up searching for us inside and were looking for where we had escaped to? Or were they giving up after all their efforts?

'I don't care,' I said, stubborn as ever. 'They can't get away with what they've done right now.'

'Oh, they won't,' Mr Ravencroft said. 'But Peter is right, we shouldn't retaliate just yet. We need to come up with a good plan.'


Their idea of a good plan was lost on me. After trekking through the woods for what seemed like an entire year, I followed them to a ruin that must have once been a small house. Inside, the plants had taken over; the floor was springy with moss, the walls were decorated in tasteful ivy, and the windows were framed with curtains of weeds. It was dark and damp and the air felt heavy. Mr Ravencroft limped through the building, testing the walls as if to make sure the whole thing wouldn't just collapse in on us.

'What is this place?' I asked, my voice a whisper.

The ruin felt like it was a sacred kind of space - like most ruins you find around the world. In our own little area of the world, Scotland has so many castles and old buildings that we were taken to on field trips that had just always felt like special, magical places full of history. I treaded softly across the floor, staring at all the alcoves that were alive with more plants. The history of the place was crackling in the air. I wanted to know more.

'This used to belong to the butler of the manor,' Mr Ravencroft replied. 'Many, many years ago now.'

It seemed so strange. A butler's house in ruin didn't seem possible. The house looked like it was so much older than that. I followed the adults as they continued through the house until we emerged in a room that was open to the outside - the roof having caved in at some point in the past. It was like stepping into another world entirely and I shivered as I looked around.

'If there's one place that we can work quietly, it's here,' Mr Ravencroft said. 'Those fools won't look here for us since it's abandoned.'

He lowered onto a stone ledge covered in moss, grimacing as his weight settled. I wondered just how he was managing to move about as well as he was after what he'd been through. He was an old man after all.

'Stop looking at me like I'm going to fall over,' he said, grunting. 'I'm old but not dead yet.'

I smiled at him. He was a stronger man than he looked.

'So what happens now?' I asked.

'We need a little help from our friends.' He winked at me and I smiled.

It felt like forever since I'd seen Papua and the others. At the Home they had been my constant companions and had shown up at the most inopportune moments - always resulting in me looking like an idiot or getting into trouble. I didn't mind though, I loved the little guys and I missed them terribly.

'Ilaina,' Peter said, putting a hand on my shoulder and crouching so he could look me in the eye. 'We're going to help you build your powers so that you will always know what to do. They will guide you and see you right, so trust your instincts.'

I nodded, not daring to speak.

'When the time comes, and I think no matter what we try to do to stop it, it will come,' Peter continued, 'you mustn't be afraid.'

'I won't be,' I said, setting my face into the most serious expression I could. This wasn't a time to joke anymore.

Peter nodded and looked at the others. 'Let's get started then.'

Not five minutes later, Peter and Helen had cleared a space in the centre of the room and drawn a circle in the what dirt remained on the floor. Mr Ravencroft watched from his perch, with Connor keeping a close eye on him as he swayed every so often. I giggled as I saw Mr Ravencroft slap his hand away when he tried to prod him in the face - probably to see if he was still alive after he closed his eyes.

'Ilaina, pay attention,' Peter said.

'Yes, sir,' I said, snapping to attention. I couldn't help myself.

I relaxed when he smiled. He wasn't so serious all the time. Helen tried to hide her smile but I noticed the wobble of her mouth.

'Just get on with it, you lot,' Mr Ravencroft shouted. 'We haven't got all day, you know.'

We laughed before sobering. I focused purely on Peter, wondering just exactly what was about to happen.

If I had thought even a month ago that I would be standing in an abandoned building with my new adoptive father - who I was actually related to! - and his friends, waiting to begin training for some battle that I am wrapped up in and have been since birth, I would have laughed myself silly.

Now it was happening. I wasn't sure if I was ready for it, but I was about to find out.


I'm finally back! Thank you guys so much for being so patient with me. I've got my writing software working again so expect a new chapter every Sunday from now on. Thank you so much for reading this new chapter and please feel free to leave a comment down below. I appreciate all reads and stars from you guys.

Have a great day!

Heather x

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