Chapter Twelve

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'Peter, take Ilaina somewhere safer,' Mr Ravencroft said, his face betraying his nerves against the calm tone of his voice.

Peter nodded and put a hand on my shoulder to guide me from the room. I didn't want to leave, I wanted - needed - to know what was going on. If this was a world I was to be a part of, to play a part in, then I needed to know.

'No,' I said, stomping a foot on the ground. 'No more secrets. What's happening?'

Peter glanced at Mr Ravencroft. I could tell that he wanted to spill everything. He'd wanted to for weeks. I waited, bouncing from foot to foot, as Mr Ravencroft mentally battled with the decision.

After what seemed an age, he nodded.

Then the wall behind him exploded.

I screamed and ran towards Peter and the door. I didn't want to turn around and see if Mr Ravencroft was still in one piece, or many. Peter gripped my arm tightly and we ran through the house, away from the echoing booms that were everywhere. I lost my bearings after five minutes, too scared to pay attention to where we were going as dust spilled from the ceiling and I worried the building would crumble in around us.

'Where are you taking me?' I asked, my voice a shaky squeak.

Peter turned to face me but didn't stop running. 'Somewhere safe.'

He smiled and I tried to smile back, but the windows shattered beside us and instead I screamed.


'Grab her,' I heard a voice say. It sounded so familiar, but I couldn't place it. 'We've got everything else we needed.'

My head was throbbing and my body ached. I didn't want my captors to know I was awake but my body was betraying me with each shuddering breath. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't - because of injury or fear, I didn't know. I heard a chuckle, not a friendly one, somewhere close and then I was lifted and thrown over someone's shoulder, too weak to do anything about it.

'Peter,' I mumbled, hoping that he was somewhere close, hoping he would save me.

I didn't know who these people were, but I knew they were bad.

'Alright, let's go,' the same voice said.

Then we were moving. It seemed like an age before a rush of air hit me and I realised we were outside. The gravel driveway crunched under several pairs of feet. I tried to count how many, but it was impossible. All I could do was wait and see what they wanted from me. Although I had a guess.

'Torch it,' the voice said.

'No,' I moaned.

Mr Ravencroft was still inside. Peter was too. I couldn't lose them, even if they weren't exactly the family I had hoped for. I felt my fists clench and my heart race. I will not let them die!

'What the-?'

Suddenly, I hit the hard ground with a thud. Groaning, I rolled over and pried my eyes open. Bleary-eyed, I tried to make out what was happening. Balls of light flitted around, hitting the men who surrounded me and pulling them away. As everything came into focus, I recognised them. My faeries.

They'd come for me.

As I struggled to keep my head up long enough to watch them, my faerie friends dashed in and out of the men who were trying to take me and even seemed to be throwing a punch or two themselves.

'Ilaina!' Papua cried as she flew closer to me. She landed before me and placed a tiny hand on my cheek. 'What's happened to you, child?'

'They're trying to take me away,' I said. 'They want to burn down the mansion.'

Papua's beautiful bright glow darkened, her face clouding with anger. 'That won't happen.'

She patted my cheek and then flew back into the battle between her people and the men. Where she had touched me, a warmth spread throughout my body. The pain in my chest eased enough to let me breathe properly and I was able to sit up without feeling dizzy. I still ached like I'd be pummeled by a gorilla but I was able to move around and actually take in what was going on.

There were seven men there, all of them waving their arms around as they tried to ward off Papua and the others. I knew I wouldn't get another chance.

I ran.

I ran straight back into the mansion. I needed to find Mr Ravencroft. He needed to tell me what I should do next.

The inside of the mansion was a wreck. The rooms that had become so familiar to me were now dust and rubble. I didn't know how they had managed to blow up the walls, but I wasn't waiting around for them to set the first flame. I picked my way across the debris as best I could and headed for the study where I'd last seen Mr Ravencroft.

The door was hanging off its hinge. The books were scattered everywhere, pages littering the floor. The desk had split and collapsed. The wall was no longer there. I could see the trees and shrubs from the garden swaying in the outside wind, their burnt and broken branches dancing. I shivered as the cold air wrapped around me and pulled me further into the room. It was so quiet.

I carefully stepped over the bricks and twigs and books that littered the floor. Keeping my eyes cast down for any sign of Mr Ravencroft. If he was still in that room, if he hadn't got out, I didn't like to think what state I would find him in.

My pace slowed as I reached the desk and went around it. I had to find out if he was still there, if he was still okay, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know. I didn't want my worst fear confirmed.

'Oh no,' I said, gasping as something pale caught my eye.


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