Chapter Fifteen

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Mr Ravencroft stumbled and leaned against the frame. Both Peter and I rushed to help prop him up. Mr Ravencroft had always looked like an old man to me, but now he looked ancient. His skin was so pale, it looked paper thin, with his veins almost glowing blue against the whiteness. Peter helped guide him over to a bed and lay him down, with Helen immediately flying to his side with her bag full of medical supplies. I hovered in the bathroom doorway. There wasn't anything I could do to help them and Mr Ravencroft's words were spinning through my mind.

I am my mother's child.

For some reason, I had never really thought about who my birth parents had been during my years at the Home. All I had thought about was who my chosen family would be. The ones that showed up and picked me as their child. I wondered if my mother looked like me, with my unruly ginger locks and freckled nose. Was she short, like me? Or tall and willowy like the woman from my story books.

Was she still alive?

The thought hit me like a brick to the face. If my mother was still alive, would she want to see me? And what of my father? No one had mentioned him, but I must have had one. Did he even know about me?

'Ilaina,' Peter's sharp tone cut through my thoughts. 'Now's not the time to get distracted.'

I could tell by the look on his face that he knew what I had been thinking and I blushed, ashamed I had been so obvious. I turned away from all of them, covering my cheeks with my hands and trying to disappear. I had never wanted to be the kind of orphan who pined over people who had abandoned them. Yet, there I was, doing just that.

When I looked up, the lockers were the first thing I saw. The small one with my name on it was still open, the locket still hanging in plain sight. I wanted to run over and grab it again, try to figure out what that strange pulse had been, but I knew better. The adults' reaction the first time around was enough to tell me I shouldn't go near it, not yet anyway.

'We need to tell her,' I heard Mr Ravencroft say. His voice was weak and quiet, but it seemed to echo in our hideout.

'Tell me what?' I asked, moving closer to them.

Their faces were all serious. Not one of them cracked a smile to try and ease the tension, or even look at me. I had a horrible twisting sensation in my stomach. Whatever this thing that I should be told was. It wasn't going to be good.

I took a deep breath as I waited. None of them seemed willing to say anything now that they knew I had overheard. I folded my arms and waited. I was not just some silly little girl they had picked up and could expect to stand quietly in a corner. I wanted - needed - to know what was going on!

'Tell me,' I demanded.

Peter sighed and I didn't miss the disapproving glare he threw at Mr Ravencroft. I started tapping my foot again when another silent minute had passed.

'It's about Martin,' Peter finally said.


'My father!' I bellowed, stomping as far away from them as I could.

I ended up in front of the lockers, staring at the one with his name on it. A bubble of anger welled inside me and I screamed as I lashed out at the name plate.

'Ilaina! Calm down,' Peter shouted.

I flailed as he tried to grab me. Connor had to help him pin me down as my chest heaved with each heavy breath. I couldn't wrap my head around what they'd told me.

'You're lying!' I screamed.

'Ilaina, calm down or we won't be discussing anything with you going forward,' Mr Ravencroft said. His voice was soft but firm. I went limp in their arms. I could tell from his tone that Mr Ravencroft was disappointed in my reaction. I was too, if I was being honest, but I couldn't help it.

'Now, come sit by me and we'll have a little talk,' he said, patting the edge of the bed he was lying on.

The others made themselves busy at the screens, prodding buttons and keeping an eye on the group that were still prowling around the mansion upstairs. I sat on the chair beside Mr Ravencroft's bed and linked my fingers together, waiting patiently.

'Ah, sweet child,' Mr Ravencroft said after a moment. 'You're definitely your mother's child.'

It took me a moment to realise the rasping sound he was making was laughter, not choking. I relaxed back into the chair.

'Please tell me that they're lying,' I all but whispered.

'I'm afraid not, child,' he replied. 'And it's time you know more, though not everything mind.'

I waited for him to continue, the others' words still spinning in my head.

'You must understand,' Mr Ravencroft began, 'he wasn't a bad lot, in the beginning. Something went wrong along the way.'

'But... they said-' I started.

'Yes, I know,' Mr Ravencroft interrupted. 'I know what you must think of him right now, but really dear, I want you to not close your mind.'

'But... he's with the Shadow Men!' I finally screamed. I thought about the one that lurked by the Home, wondered if he still showed up. I wasn't there to protect the little ones anymore. I could only hope that Annie was.

'Yes, he is,' Mr Ravencroft said. 'They have used him though, so that they could discover more about us. He is the only one of our kind in their group. He is the reason that they are here, right now.'

'Then why shouldn't I hate him?' I demanded.

'Because I'm trusting the task of winning him back to our side to you.'


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