Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was a long drive. I don't know where we ended up, but it was properly in the middle of nowhere. I watched the trees and the country fields whizz by as we drove down one winding road after another. The sky was overcast and even though it was the middle of the afternoon, everything seemed darker – like a filter had been put over the sun.

The rain started about half an hour into the drive and pretty soon became torrential. I watched drops race each other down the window as I waited to see where my father had spent his time in recent years, building his following and rallying to his cause.

I still had Mr Ravencroft's walkie-talkie with me, although I wasn't so sure it would work from such a long distance away from him. I wasn't even sure if I still wanted to talk to him anymore. I still had so many doubts about them after my conversation with Father the previous night.

'We're almost there,' Father said, turning off the main road and driving up a narrow, dirt track lined with more dark trees.

I strained my eyes to see something through all the darkness, but nothing emerged for a long time. I had given up looking by the time we passed under an archway and found ourselves in an open expanse where several wooden cabins had been built. It reminded me of those summer camps that you saw in American movies and TV shows.

'Here we are,' Father said, parking beside one of the cabins and getting out.

I quickly followed him, my head swivelling this way and that as I tried to take in everything around me. There was a lake not too far from the cabins, with a small dock leading out onto it; each cabin had at least person moving in or out of it; men and women, even children, were moving this way and that around the area, all talking and laughing and seeming to anyone else like normal people.

Ilaina wondered if it was all an act for her benefit, then scolded herself for thinking such a silly thought.

'Now, I want to introduce you to some people,' Father said, 'and then we'll see what you can do.'

'What I can do?' I repeated.

'Yes,' he replied. 'I know that you're able to control your powers already, even before you had a bit of training with the Callers. Each person here is eager to see what you can do. Not many of them were once Callers themselves.'

'Okay,' I said, glancing at the people around me again and noticing their curious gazes as I walked past.

'That's my girl.' He patted me on the shoulder and led me into the nearest cabin.

It was a beautiful wooden-built structure, two storeys high with large windows that overlooked the rest of the camp.

'This used to be a holiday resort,' Father said as he guided me through a small hallway and into what looked like an office. 'It was abandoned a long time ago and we took over, restored it and now use it as our base.'

'It's so beautiful,' I said.

'Thank you, we've put a lot of work into it. It's hidden away enough that we don't get disturbed.'

We were interrupted by a knock at the door and a teenage boy poking his head into the room.

'Sorry, boss,' he said, his ears tinging pink as he noticed me sitting there. 'We've got movement to the South.'

'Movement?' Father's eyes shot to me. 'Keep an eye on it, any closer to camp and let me know immediately.'

'Aye, boss.'

The boy left, closing the door with a soft click. Father sat in the chair behind the desk, leaning back as he gazed into the distance.

'They're already here, they must have been following us,' he muttered. 'Time to get moving. I want to show you off before things get too messy.'

His smile returned, but I still felt uneasy. I knew exactly who "they" were. Mr Ravencroft must have tracked us as we left the mansion. I had a horrible feeling that that was the plan all along; they needed to find out where Father's base was. Perhaps they never did care for me, after all.


I stood in front of thirty or so men and women, all roughly the age of my father, a few older. They were staring at me with expectation written all over their faces. I knew they were expecting something big from me and I could only hope that they wouldn't be disappointed.

'Now, Ilaina,' Father said, standing to my right. 'Just show them what it is you can do.'

He sat on a wooden chair and crossed his arms, gesturing for me to continue. I heard the small crowd suck in a breath and it seemed like they were going to hold it until I showed them what I could do.

I closed my eyes and thought of Papua and the others, summoning them to me as I wished my chant so the crowd wouldn't hear. After a moment, I opened my eyes and released my own breath. I could feel the flutter of faint wings spiralling around my body as my faerie friends gathered to me.

The gasp from the crowd brought my attention back to them. I smiled and held my hand out for Papua to land on. She watched the crowd warily. I knew she wasn't a fan of my father, but things had changed and I hoped she would see that.

'I hope you know what you're doing, child,' she whispered as she turned to me. 'I hope for all our sakes.'

'I'll keep you safe, I promise,' I whispered back.

'So it's true,' one of the women in the front row whispered. She reached out to touch one of the faeries that was still circling around me but recoiled quickly. 'I think it bit me!'

The crowd laughed. Father too. I quietened my friends and they settled along my shoulders, arms, and head.

'We are ushering in a new era,' Father said, standing to speak to the crowd. 'One where we will not be plagued by the Callers anymore. My daughter will see to that.'

He turned to beam atme but his words cut into my chest. What exactly was he expecting me to do?    


Only ONE chapter left, you guys! This time next week the whole book will be uploaded for you to enjoy.

I'm already busy working on revisions so that I can release this as an ebook later in the year as a final edition. I have a book trailer in the works and an amazing artist working on a new cover as well.

If you want to keep up to date with how ALTOM is progressing, please be sure to follow me for updates. I'll begin working on Back to the Beginner's Word (Book 2 in the Callers series) soon and will upload here as soon as I'm able to.

Thank you again for supporting this story. If you liked this chapter please do give it a fave and leave a comment.

Have a great week!

Heather x

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