Chapter Twenty-One

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The reunion went pretty much as I'd expected; as Mr Ravencroft had warned. The moment someone at the house saw me, I was dragged into the wreckage and guarded until my father could arrive.

I still couldn't get past the idea that I had already met my father, that he had spoken to me and hadn't acknowledged this. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, even though Mr Ravencroft had warned against it. I had to know.

As I waited for him to arrive, I studied my guards. They didn't look familiar to me, which was to be expected, but there was something strange about the way they stood. Before I could look at them closer, try to figure it out, I heard the door open and turned to look as my father entered the room.

He looked good. He was wearing a nice suit and his hair was combed back, nothing like the man I'd met in the woods behind the Home.

'Ah,' he said, his voice smooth. 'An unexpected visitor. How lovely.'

His words were warm, his tone was not. I shivered, but I put it down to the breeze blowing in through the hole in the wall. We were standing in the remains of Mr Ravencroft's study. I had to hold back the tears as I stepped back inside the once beautiful home. It was so unfair, what they'd done to it.

'I've come to talk to you,' I said, my voice sounded much braver than I felt. 'Please.'

'And why would I want to talk to you?'

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. It was as though he was looking at me for the first time, recognising something in me.

'I'm your daughter,' I stated, getting it over with. 'I want to get to know you.'

The room erupted into laughter, all the men around her howling. She took the opportunity to step away from the ones guarding her but she didn't run, she didn't need to and she didn't want to. She was going to be brave and she was going to help Mr Ravencroft.

'My dear, I know you're my daughter,' her father said, bending down to look her in the eye. 'You look so much like your mother, it would be difficult not to know.'

I gasped, I couldn't help it. My mother was barely, if ever mentioned by anyone that I sometimes forgot that I'd ever had one.

'The thing is,' he continued, 'I also know that my wonderful old eccentric relative has gotten his hands on you and thus you are of no use to me.'

'But that's exactly why I am useful for you!' I retorted. 'I can tell you things that he wouldn't want you to know.'

'And why would you do that?'

I could tell he was suspicious. I hadn't exactly jumped into his arms when they attacked the manor. I had to win him over.

'Because you're my father,' I said, simply. 'And an orphan's only wish growing up is to know her mother and father.'

I made myself look as pathetic as possible. I needed to win him over and pulling at heartstrings was the only thing I could think to do. I wasn't even sure if it would work, him being a bad guy and all, but his face softened at the sight of me and I felt myself relax, if just a little.

'I'll think about it,' he said. 'We can discuss this later.'

He waved his hand at me and my guards returned. They led me out of the room and further into the house.

They'd set up a kind of headquarters in the front room, all the original furniture pushed to the side or destroyed to make room. I'd done the best I could and now I just had to wait. The fact that he wanted to discuss things was a good sign. I could only hope it would continue.


I was at least given some food. After several hours of being forced to sit quietly in a dark room that may have once been a cupboard of some sort, I was beginning to feel tired of being treated like something that should be locked away. Our plan wasn't going to work if I was kept out of sight.

'Come on,' one of my guards said, opening the door and hauling me out.

Before I could say a word, I was taken into what remained of the dining room and thrown into a chair so hard it almost toppled. Father was sitting at the opposite end of the table, already eating.

'So you no doubt realise what you are now,' he said as a way of starting the conversation. 'I know what you are, you know what I am... what I'm capable of.'

His eyes flicked up for just a moment to lock with mine. I thought of the terrifying sand monster that had appeared to me that night in the Home and shivered. I never wanted to see anything like that again.

'I know that the old man probably has some kind of plan, sending you here,' he continued.

'No,' I practically shouted. 'No plan. He didn't know I was coming.'

This caused him to pause and raise a brow at me. He nodded to the guards who disappeared and returned with a plate of food. I picked at it as I watched my father watching me.

'I find that very hard to believe. The old man knows everything,' he said after a moment. 'Nevertheless, if you really have come to me of your own free will, I shall be happy to accept you into the fold.'

I dared to look at him, it couldn't possibly have been that easy.

'After you have passed a couple of little tests,' he added. 'One can't be too careful who they trust these days.'

I tried not to let him see my grip tighten on my knife and fork. I hadn't expected it to be easy, but I hadn't banked on having to pass any tests either. I smiled and hoped that I could fool him.

I would worksomething out. I had to.


I'm back! A Little Touch of Magic's first draft is complete and so I'll be uploading a new chapter every Sunday. Please do bear in mind that this is a first draft, unedited, and I know there are errors, but I wanted to get it out to you guys so you'd be able to finish the story that you've been reading and, hopefully, enjoying!

Thanks so much for reading and please do leave a comment below - good or bad. If you liked this chapter, don't forget to hit that star button.

I'll see you guys next Sunday.

Heather x

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