Chapter 2

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They arrived at the hospital. Ben got Mara out of the car and carried her into the ER. Mara was immediately taken back. 

Jessica and Peter arrived. They came rushing in. 

Jessica went over to her daughter immediately who was laying in the hospital bed. Ben was sitting next to her. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" she asked. "Let me see" 

"Yes I am fine, just in some pain" she said rolling over so her mom could see the bruise. 

"Oh my goodness, Mara why didn't you say something the second it happened or right when you got home?"

"I didn't think it was that bad" she replied.

"Who pushed you in practice?" asked Peter.

Mara didn't want to answer. She knew her dad was going to make a big deal that it was Victoria, because of the past problems.

"It was Victoria Gregor" sighed Mara.

"That girl is constantly causing trouble, she needs to be kicked off the team" Peter was upset.

"Like Mr. Gregor would ever let that happen" said Ben.

Just than nurse came in. "Time for X-Rays" she said. 

Along with Jessica, the nurse helped Mara into a wheelchair. 

Peter kissed Mara's forehead and said "I'm going to make a call"  and left. 

"Ben follow him please" said Jessica motioning to her son. 

Mara was than taken away to get X-Rays. 

Mara was in the room getting X-Rays when the door flung open.

"Mara!" was all she heard as she was being helped out of the wheelchair. It was her brother Shawn who was a doctor at the hospital, an orthopedist actually. "Why didn't anyone call me immediately" 

Mara had a smile on her face "I'm fine, everyone is just overreacting" as the nurse continued to help her onto the table. 

"You have a broken rib?" he asked concerned and coming over to exam her. 

"Might have a broken rib" replied Mara. 

"Let me see" he demanded.

"Dr. Martin, we need to get these X-rays going, we have a busy waiting room" said the Nurse.

"I know just give me a minute" 

"2 minutes" said the nurse walking away. 

Mara rolled on to her side so Shawn could see the bruise. He moved away the gown.  He touched it and Mara moaned in pain. 

"Its broken isn't it?" asked Mara.

"We will see after the X-rays. Now stay still"  Shawn walked away behind the wall as the X-Rays were done.  He watched as the came up.  "Damn it" he mumbled under his breathe. He then walked back to the table. "Lets get you back to mom and dad" 

"Are they broken?" Mara asked as Shawn helped her off the table into the wheelchair. 

He didn't answer.

"When you don't answer I know its a yes" 

"Yes you have two broken ribs" 

Mara sighed. 

Shawn rolled her back to the ER room. "Doesn't anyone is this family ever remember I'm a doctor?" he said as they got there.

"Shawn" said his mother kissing his cheek. 

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