Chapter 14

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The day after Mara died....

The Martin house was silent. No one talked no one barely even moved. Peter and Jessica were in the kitchen making the funeral arrangements. Jack was in his room listening to music laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. Ethan was on the back porch just staring at the empty swing in the backyard. Charlie was in the living room laying on the couch watching something on his laptop. Ben was upstairs sitting on Mara's bed he held her bear in his hands, barely thinking anything. Shawn was at the hospital. He was the only one allowed to stay with Mara and accompy her to the funeral home. So that's what he did. He couldn't leave her. No one wanted to actually. It took awhile for everyone at the hospital to get the family to leave. They didn't actually leave until Mara was moved to the funeral home. That was about 5am the next day. Everyone was tired but no one slept. There were constant calls coming to the house. People knocking on the door offering food and their condolences. No one thought this would happen. 

Shawn then walked into the house. Charlie didn't move. Jessica and Peter didn't even look from their phone conversations. Shawn stood therefore awhile. The house was so quiet, there was no life in it. Mara had brought that life and now it was gone. He wanted to scream, cry and break things. But he couldn't do it anymore. His hand already had a bandage on it from when he punched a mirror at the hospital. Shawn then remembered something Mara told him, about a box under her bed. He walked up stairs to her room to see Ben sitting on Mara's bed with her bear. 

"Hey" said Shawn.

"Hey" said Ben

Both very sullenly 

"Mara told me something about a box?" 

"Oh ya she kept all her art stuff in it I think, under the bed"

Shawn went over to the bed and looked under and there was a box. He pulled it out and then set it on the bed. Ben moved over to get out of the way. Shawn opened the box to find a note on top of it. Shawn pulled it out, sat on the edge of the bed and read to himself. Ben did the same

To my wonderful family. If you are reading this that means I've gone. I can never truly put into words how thankful I am for each and every one of you. You were the best family a girl could ask for. The best big brothers, the best mother and the best father. Please don't be sad for long that I am gone because, I will always be looking down on you. I will always be around and I will always love all of you dearly. Don't cry when you think of me, do not be sad when you think of me. Smile, laugh and be happy when you think of me. Because that's what I will do when I think of all of you. Don't worry about me, I am no longer in pain and no longer suffering. I am with Micah. I love of all you more than words can express. See ya soon, but hopefully not too soon!

Mara Grace.

By this time both Ben and Shawn had tears streaming down their faces. Shawn put the letter down and when back to the box. In the box was a letter and a drawing with each one their names on it. Ben turned around.  Each drawing was of Mara and who ever the drawing was for. She had drawn a memory of each of them. There was another note there. 

My favorite and best memories I had with each of you...

Ben and Shawn couldn't believe what she had done. The drawings were absolutely amazing. They had no idea she could draw like that. Shawn handed Ben his and he took his. 

Ben's drawing was of Mara and Ben laying in the snow laughing at one another. Ben remembered this day. Mara had begged and begged to go play in the snow. Ben finally agreed. They ended up having a snowball fight. They had corned Jack when he got home and attacked him with snow.

Shawn's drawing was of Mara and him at Shawn's graduation from medical school. He held Mara in his arms. She was whispering into his ear "I'm so proud of you". He remembered that day so clearly. Those words from his 8 year old sister meant so much to him.

Shawn and Ben wiped their tears from their eyes.

"We should take this downstairs" said Shawn.

"Ya" said Ben getting up and helping Shawn with the box. 

When they got downstairs everyone was in the kitchen. 

"What's that?" asked Peter.

"Mara left it for us" said Ben

Peter and the others curiously looked in the box.

"First read this" said Shawn handing Peter the note. Peter read it out loud. Everyone began to cry silently as he read it. When he was done Shawn started to pull out the letters and drawings out of the box. He handed them each theirs. 

Jessica's drawing was of her and Mara sitting on the chair reading a book together with snowing blowing outside the window.

Peter's was of him teaching Mara to ride her bike on a warm summer day. 

Charlie's was of him and her covered in paint. After Mara had helped Charlie paint his new apartment. They had paint war.

Ethan's was of Mara wearing his lucky hat and Ethan resting his arm on her head and Mara staring up at him with a big smile on her face. 

Jack's was of him, her Charlie and Ethan standing on top of the bleacher yelling at the top of their lungs.

The tears never stopped. Peter comforted Jessica.

"There are more in here" said Ethan.

There about 10 or more drawings left in the box. One was of course for Danny and suprisingly one for Victoria too. 

Ben took out Danny's and walked to the front door before leaving. 

Everyone else just stood in the kitchen not really knowing what to say to each other and read their letters quietly. Ben knocked on Danny's door. Danny answered.

"Hey Bud. Talk for a minute" 

"Sure" said Danny coming out. They sat on the front steps.

"Mara left this for you. Actually she left stuff for just about everyone"

Ben handed Danny a book. Mara had left him a book of drawings. 

"What is it?" he asked opening it

Ben didn't need to answer. Danny was silent as he flipped through the tiny book. It was drawings of just about every good memory Danny could think of since they were just toddlers. Danny got tears in his eyes. 

Ben gave him a hug "Thank you Danny. Thank you for being her best friend" 

Danny nodded. Ben got up to leave.

"We will be okay" said Danny.

Ben turned around "I know"

Ben left. 

Eventually Ben and the rest of the family would get everyone else's drawings to them. Peter though couldn't help about look at Victoria's. It was them cheering together holding up the trophy from when they won the Championship. Peter smiled. He had such an amazing daughter.

Later that night everyone was in the living room, silent once again. When they could hear slight singing outside. It was Hallelujah. They all got up and went to the door and opened it. The entire town was outside holding candles and quietly singing. They all smiled, some got tears in their eyes again and they comforted each other as they stood there in listened. No one said anything to each other, but they all could've sworn they saw Mara and Micah standing behind the crowd, wave, smile and then run and skip down the street. Everything was going to be alright. 

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