Chapter 3

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The next day Mara was still sound asleep when her brothers and parents left for work. But when she awoke Ben was there. She slowly got up, it hurt pretty bad to stand up and walk. But she headed into the kitchen where her brother was. He turned around when he heard footsteps.

"Hey you shouldn't be walking around" 

"I'm hungry" 

"I'll get you some food, but go lay down"

She ignored him and climbed on to the stool.

"Mara" he complained.

"I can't lay down on that couch all day. I'm fine it doesn't hurt that bad"

"From the look on your face I would say that's a lie" he said handing her pain medicine.

He got her a bowl of cereal. Mara starting eating the cereal. When Ben noticed her arm. 

"Was that bruise there yesterday?" Ben said as he grabbed her hand to look at it. 

"No I don't think so. I probably hit it off the couch last night or something."

"Your hand too" 

"That's probably from the IV. I'm fine"

"Mara that's a big bruise for just hitting your arm off the couch"

"It doesn't hurt and I'm fine"

Ben gave her a look. 

"I'm fine" she continued.

Ben sighed. When she was done eating,  Mara asked Ben to help her upstairs so she could shower.

"Can you help me upstairs, so I can get a shower?"

"Yes sure" he said picking her up and headed upstairs to the bathroom.

"Yell when your done" he said putting her down.

He headed back downstairs as Charlie walked in.

"Shouldn't  you be in class?" 

"I skipped to come hangout with Mara. Where is she?"

"She is showering" 

"Hows the ribs?"

"She won't say, but I know it hurts worse than what she is letting us know" they headed back into the Kitchen.

"Most likely" 

"She has this giant bruise on her arm now too" 

"From what? Soccer too?"

"It wasn't there yesterday, she says she hit her arm off the couch last night. But its a giant bruise"

"She probably fine. Its Mara she is always hurting herself"

"I don't know. I'm worried"

"Relax, seriously"

"Charlie! Something is wrong. I just know it"

"Like what?" Charlie still wasn't concerned.

"I don't know. I'm going to call Shawn"

"Your overreacting" 

Ben gave him an angry glare and went to call Shawn.


"Dr. Martin. You have call from your brother, Ben" said a Nurse.

Shawn sighed and grabbed the phone.

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