Chapter 5

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The next day Mara was called out of school early and was picked up by her dad. 

"Hey dad"

"Hey sweetheart. We decided to get more X-Rays just to make sure you are healing and some blood work"

Mara sighed.

"Come on, afterwards we'll get pizza"

Mara smiled.

They left to the doctors. Shawn was there when they arrived. He was oddly quiet. Mara got blood work and more X-Rays. The X-Rays showed that Mara was healing but slowly.

Mara was in the bathroom. Peter and Shawn were talking.

"The slow healing isn't a good sign. But it could also just be how Mara is" 

"What about the blood work?"

"I had John put a rush on the them. I'm going to wait here till the results come. But I would take Mara home. I don't want her to get suspicious"

"Yes I promised her pizza"

"Call as soon as you know anything"

"I will"

Mara came out of the bathroom. Shawn hugged and kissed the top of her head. "I'll see you later princess" Mara hugged him back. Peter and Mara then left to get pizza and took Pizza home. Ethan sat on the couch with Mara and watched TV. Mara had her head resting on his chest. Ethan combed his fingers through her hair. 

"Still tired girly?"

"Ya" she said through a tired voice. 

Ethan just sat there with her and continued to comb his fingers through her hair. 

Meanwhile at the hospital. Shawn got a call from Ben.

"Why didn't you tell me you thought something was wrong with Mara!" Ben yelled through the phone.

"Ben don't yell" Shawn said sternly, "I didn't want to freak everyone out and dad told me to not tell anyone what the blood work was really for"

"It is though? Right?"

"I don't know yet. I'm staying here late waiting for the results" 

"You'll call me as soon as you know?"

"Why don't you come down here and bring me food?"

"Okay. I'll be there in 20 minutes"

Ben soon arrived there and him and Shawn sat in his office, ate food and waited for the results.

Meanwhile at the house. Peter seemed super anxious and was out in the shed late working on things. Mara had fallen asleep and Ethan had carried her upstairs to bed. As he was tucking her in. He slipped off her socks and noticed the giant bruise on her foot. He was concerned. He went to find Jack.

"Jack" he said walking into his room.


"Did you see that giant bruise on Mara's foot?"


"Well she has a giant bruise on her foot"

"So it's probably just from soccer" 

"She hasn't played soccer in a week"

"So. I don't know what's so wrong with a bruise and why everyone keeps freaking out about it" 

"You're not concerned?"

"No. why would I be? You all keep overreacting to everything and treat her like baby"

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