Chapter 13

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It was about 3 months later. Mara was very sick. She stopped going to school and spent most of her time in the hospital. She hated the hospital so much. But they insisted she had to stay. She wasn't allowed very many visitors, besides her family. Although Danny managed to sneak in a few times. 

She was laying there barely awake when Ben and Charlie walked in.

"Hey" she said barely audible. 

"Hey sunshine" said Charlie. 

Ben smiled at her.

"Is it possible to feel like the bottom of every shoe on earth?" she asked.

Ben and Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at her.  Ben sat on one side of the bed and Charlie the other. Ben rubbed her bare forehead. Charlie held her hand.

"One more treatment this week. Then your home free" said Charlie

"Poor choice of words" said Mara 

"I'm sorry. I know you want to go home. But you are better here. So they can make you sure you are okay."

Mara nodded. Then looked are both her brothers.

"You both are going to be alright."

"Mara..." said Ben, knowing where she was going with this.

"No goodbye speeches" said Charlie.

"Would you two just listen for once in your life" 

Ben and Charlie smiled and shook their head. Still had that sense of humor and attitude.

"You two have always looked after me and protected me my entire life. So has Jack, Shawn and Ethan. And I know you both are going to do great things in life. Just promise me one thing?"

"What?" asked Ben smiling down at her.

"One of you have to name your first daughter after me"

Charlie and Ben both got a big smile on their faces. Mara smirked.

"You got it" said Charlie. He kissed her forehead. 

"I love you so much" said Charlie.

Ben then kissed her cheek "Me too. More than you know" 

"I love you both too. I always will" she said. 

Just then Danny was at the door. 

"Boyfriend's here" said Charlie.

Mara gave Charlie a stink face.

Ben and Charlie both giggled. Before kissing her on the cheek and leaving.

Danny came over and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Giving goodbye speeches?" 

"Just making sure they know they'll be okay. Just like you will"

"How am I suppose to survive the rest of middle school and high school without my best friend?"

"Oh you'll be better off without me. Less detentions" 

Danny laughed.

"Really though Mara. You are my best friend in the entire world."

"Well duh"

Danny gave her a look.

Mara smiled "So are you" 

They were silent for awhile.

"I love you, you know that" said Mara.

Danny was taken back by the comment, but then replied "I love you too. As a friend though"

Mara smiled and they hugged. Then Ethan and Jack showed up at the door.

"Sneak in again, Danny?"

Danny smiled "Learned from the best" he said looking over at Mara, "See ya later Mara"

"See ya later Danny."

Ethan sat on the edge of her bed. Jack stood behind them.

"What are you two going to do without me around embarassing you?"

"Well we aren't going to worry about that, because you are going to be around for awhile" said Ethan.

Mara gave a slight smile. 

"Promise you two won't give up on your dreams"

"How do you know what my dreams are?" asked Jack.

Ethan elbowed him.

"Because I know everything" 

"You big brother want to be an Engineer, because you are smarter than you let on" said Mara to Jack. 

Jack smiled at her.

"And Ethan you want to be a doctor just like Shawn" 

"Pretty good, small fry" said Jack.

They laughed a little.

"And I. Well I will be around making sure you accomplish those dreams. So don't mess up" said Mara.

"I won't. Not so sure about him though" said Ethan motioning towards Jack.

They smiled again and were silent for a moment.

"I love you both so much" 

"We love you too" said Ethan. He kissed her forehead. Then Jack did the same.

"I love you" Jack whispered in her ear before leaving following Ethan. Shawn had showed up and kicked them out.

He came over and sat on the edge of her bed.

"I heard you are feeling like the bottom of all the shoes in the world"

"Pretty much"

"I'll get a nurse and ask Dr. Carter what else we can do"

"No" said Mara.

Shawn gave her a look.

"I love you Shawn"

"I love you too" 

"Thank you for taking care of me"

"I'd do anything for you"

Mara smiled. Somehow Shawn knew what was about to happen. His parents then started to walk in.

"Shawn under my bed at home" Mara could barely talk at this point. "Is a box. Open it when I'm gone"

"Mara you aren't going anywhere right now"

Mara didn't respond. Her parents then came over. She gave a smile at them.

"Best parents ever"

They smiled at her. Her mom combed over her head his her hand. Her father held her hand tightly.

"We love you Mara Grace" said her mom.

"More than you will ever know" said her father.

"I love you too" she barely said. 

Just then the monitors and everything started to beep and go crazy. Shawn hit the red button and started to scream.

"Nurse! Nurse!" 

All Mara's brothers and Danny were in the hallway. They tried to run in the room. Nurses and others kept them out. It was like slow motion. Tears were falling down faces so quickly. There was screaming. Ben was holding back Danny who was yelling no over and over again. But Mara was dying and there was nothing anyone could do. 

"Micah...." was the last thing Mara said as the monitors stopped. The nurses and doctors stopped trying to revive her. The line went flat. Her mother was screaming and crying uncontrollably as her father held her up. Shawn stood there in disbelief just as the others did. Mara laid there motionless, her eyes closed. She was gone. 

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