Chapter 10

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After he dream about Micah and realizing the support and encouragement she had from her neighbors, friends and classmates Mara knew she would get through this. She wasn't going to let cancer her stop her from doing the things she loved to do. 

It was Friday and the week was almost over, so back to the hospital tomorrow. She wasn't looking forward to feeling sick and going through all of that, but she had too. She out on the swing. Just slowly going back and forth. Ben came out. He picked her up and put her on his lap as they swung gently back and forth.

"What are you thinking about?"


Ben kissed the side of head. 

"I just think about how brave he was and I realize so I can"

"He was the bravest and so are you" 

"I don't wanna go back in there tomorrow"

"I know sweetheart" he said as he hugged her with is one free arm, "We will all be there for you."

"You guys are the best" said Mara as she laid her head back on him. He kissed her forehead.

"I have something for you" 

"What is it?"

"Come and see" he said scooping her up and started to carry her inside. He took her to the living room. On the table was a bunch of art stuff.

"Its from all of us" said Ben sitting her down.

Mara had a big smile on her face as she sat down and started to look through the stuff.

"But it was my idea" said Ben with a smile. Mara smiled at him. "Keep you less bored and busy in the hospital"

Mara got up and hugged him. He hugged her back. "Thank you"

"Your welcome sweat pea" 

The next day Mara was at the hospital to get her first of 7 chemo treatments for the week. She knew deep down inside that this week was going to be worse than ever. 

Shawn came in. He tended to talk to her more than her actual doctor. It made Mara feel better and it was just easier for everyone.

Shawn sat on the edge of her bed. She was asleep. He combed his hand over her head. And kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes.

"Sorry sweat pea. Didn't mean to wake you"

"Its okay" she said with a slight smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a bottom of a shoe"

Shawn chuckled. 

"This week is going to be hard. I don't want to lie to you about it"

"I know it is" 

"We are going to do everything we can though to make sure you don't feel like a bottom of a shoe" 

Mara smiled. He kissed her forehead, get some rest. 

"Can you bring my art stuff over here"

"Sure" said Shawn going to grab the stuff and bring it over for her.

"Where are mom and dad?"

"I think mom went to shower at home real quick and dad went to grab some food. I think Charlie will be over here soon though. I'll be back in a half hour."

"You don't have to check on me every half hour" 

"Yes I do"

"Don't you work?"

Shawn chuckled and kissed her forehead and left.

Mara then pulled out her art stuff and started to draw. 

Charlie then soon came in.

"What you doing pumpkin?" he said as he came in and kissed her forehead. Mara closed what she was doing quickly.

"Can't I see?"

"No not yet" 

Charlie smiled and laid down next to her on the bed.



"What movie?"

Mara smiled.


"Its my favorite though" she made a puppy dog face.


Mara smiled "Yes!"

It was Harry Potter.

It didn't take long for Mara to fall asleep in her brothers arms. Charlie just laid there with her. He couldn't believe how brave she was. 

Soon her parents came back. Charlie had fallen asleep next to Mara.

Peter shook Charlie awake. Charlie woke up.

"Time to go. She's getting her bone marrow transfusion"

Charlie sighed. That was the worst thing. He couldn't even bring himself to stand in the hallway. Because Mara would just scream and cry.  Charlie kissed her forehead and got up in left. 

Ethan was outside when he got there with Jack.

"She is about to get the bone marrow thing" 

Ethan sighed. Jack looked sad. 

"We brought her popsicles though. Its the only thing that doesn't make her sick" said Jack.

"We can give it to her after" said Ethan.

"I'm leaving" said Charlie walking away.

Ethan ran after him "Charlie"

"What?" asked Charlie turning around. 

"You aren't going to wait to see her after?"

"I can't listen to her scream" said Charlie walking away from Ethan. Ethan sighed.

Ethan and Jack waited outside. It was hard to listen to. After though Shawn came out and allowed them to go in.  Mara's eyes were swollen and red from the crying.

"We brought popsicles!" yelled Jack.

Mara got a small smile on her face. Jack handed her one after he unwrapped it. 

"You better brought enough for us all" said Shawn.

Jack handed out the rest of the popsicles to his family. They sat there and ate them. Talking and laughing. Just what Mara needed. Ben even showed up. Charlie though didn't come back. 

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