Your Very First Kiss

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You guys were walking down the street holding hands. It was a dreary London day. The sun had been shining when you guys had left your apartment but now it looked as though it was going to rain. "Harry. What are we gonna do if it rains?" You whined knowing you hadn't brough an umbrella. "I don't know love. But I have a few Ideas!" He said cheekily. You swatted at him and looked up just as a drop of water hit your nose. "Shit" You swore under your breath. Then it suddenly started pouring. 'Damn it! I can't believe this' You thought. You saw Harry look up towards the sky. "You know..I've always wanted to be a girls first kiss." You look up at him. "And I've always wanted to do this..." He said pressing his lips to yours. You stumbled a bit surprised at first then you started to kiss him back. When he pulled away he noticed you were shivering. "C'mon (Y/N). Lets get you home." You smiled knowing that this was the start of a beautiful relationship.


It was a quiet movie night at his house.You wore a tank top and short-shorts and you were basically freezing to death. But you didn't let Liam know. You were cuddled into his chest inhaling his typical minty scent. After a while you started relaxing to the point where you fell asleep. Liam being the sweetheart he is carefully picked you up and carried you upsairs laying you down in his bed tucking you in tight so you wouldn't be cold. He then carefully laid down besides you and listened to your breathing. 'So calm and so beautiful'  He thought ,soon falling asleep next to you.

******************************************The Next Morning***********************************************

You woke up to the smell of bacon. You decided to go downstairs and were surprised to see the other boys there along with Eleanor and Perrie. You sat at the counter top and started chatting with Perrie and Eleanor. It was about random things quite honestly. When they got on the topic about kissing though you got a tad bit uncomfortable. Perrie noticed and casually asked "Whats wrong (Y/N)?" "Huh? Oh nothing!" You said forcing a smile. "Its obviously something Hon. You can trust us!" She reassured you and you felt like you could trust them. "I've never been kissed. Like I know I'm eighteen but..." Eleanor cut you off "You've never kissed a guy before?!" She said a bit too loudly. It went silent until Lou started to laugh. "Good one (Y/N)! C'mon now. Did you really think we'd believe that one?" Harry and Niall joined in the laughter but your face was a deep crimson. "I knew I couldn't trust you girls! God! ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!" You say and run out the door tears in your eyes. The boys sit there confused as Perrie and Eleanor try to tell them it wasn't a joke. Of course Liam runs after you. "(Y/N!) (Y/N)! Wait!" You stop dead in your tracks. "Can't you tell I'm humiliated enough as it is Liam? I don't need anymore shit..." You say. He stops and looks into your eyes. "I don't care if you've never kissed anyone before! In fact...I'd be honored to be your first kiss!" He said smiling. "Do you mind (Y/N)?" You shake your head and he cups your face in his hands. He slowly presses his lips to yours. The second his soft lips touch yours fireworks go off and you kiss him back, your lips moving perfectly in sync. You pull away at the same time, both breathless. "Best. Kiss. Ever!" He says as he pulls you in for a hug. You smile and think the same thing!


You had a crush on Lou for the longest time and wished he felt the same way, but he didn't because he had a girlfriend. You were sitting around your house one day wearing his sweatshirt that he had left at your house a few weeks ago. You jumped at the sound of rapid banging on your front door. "I'm coming I'm coming! Sheesh! Give me a minute will you?" You say annoyed but getting up to open the door anyways. You gasp at what you see. A completely disheveled Louis stanidng in the entryway his eyes red and puffy from crying. You open your mouth to say something but are cut off from his lips on yours. You push away thinking, hoping, he's drunk although he isn't. He looks a bit hurt after you've pushed him away. "Don't you want to kiss me (Y/N)?" He says uncertainly. "No." His face falls. "But only because you have a girlfriend." His face lit up a little as he said, "Not anymore I don't." You gasp. "Oh my. Lou! What happened?!" He smies weakly. "Can I at least come in and explain?" Your eyes go wide as you realize he was still in your doorway. Of course! Ohmigosh! I'm sorry!" You move back letting him in then closing the door. You both return to the living room and sit on the couch. He tells you about everything. Their fight, why they called it quits, and how crappy he feels. "Lou. Don't feel that way!" You smile reassuringly. "Can I ask you something (Y/N)?" You nodded completely unaware of what he was about to ask next. "Did you get your first kiss yet?" You shake your head. "Well. Did you want it? Cuz...I like you. Deep down inside I always have. I was afraid at first to tell you how I felt. But Now. Now I'm not. Now I know exactly why Eleanor and I broke up..You and I are meant to be...Don't you see (Y/N)?" You don't say a thing. You mind is still processing everything. He takes your silence for a no though. He get up abruptly. "I gotta go. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything..." He turns to walk away but is whirled around to face you. "Lou...I've always liked you too." He smiled. You smiled back, and he  grasped your face in his hands and pressed his soft lips to yours. It was a magical and passionate kiss. One you'd never forget...


You were fighting with your roommate and best friend Josh again. He was always being an ass and most of the time when you made plans he stood you up. Finally one day you had had enough. You ran upstairs grabbed a suitcase and shoved all your stuff in it. You left a note on his bedroom nightstand, grabbed your keys and left. You were headed to Zayn's house...Your other best friend and the man you were secretly in love with. You told him everything. Like how you've never had a boyfriend, never lost your virginity, and never even had a first kiss even though you were 20. He opened the door looking sexy as fuck. Considering he was wearing nothing but sweatpants, he looked tired and Ohmigod...had some serious bedhead goin on. "(Y/N)? What are you doin here babe?" Oh gosh...I just melted for a second. "I needed my best friend! Duh! Can I come in?" He smiled. "Of course you can! You know just as well as I do that you don't even need to knock to be welcomed into my house!" He winked. Why can't you tell I like you Zayn? "What did you say?" He asked me in shock. "Huh?" I asked confused. Then it slowly sunk in...I just told him I liked him. "OMIGOD! Did I just say that out loud?!" You asked embarrassed. He nodded. "But its okay because I feel the same way!" You turned to him not believing what he had just said. You were about to say something but he cut you off by crashing his lips onto yours. You melted into the kiss as it got a bit more heated. "How about I make your three wishes come true?" You smiled instantly knowing what he meant. He dragged you upstairs and lets just say you spent quite the perfect afternoon with the man you loved...


You were watching Television at the flat you shared with your best friend Niall. You had just gotten up to get a drink from the kitchen when you heard Niall say your name making you stop dead in your tracks. You peeked around the corner to see that Niall, Harry, and Liam were all talking quietly in your kitchen. "But she's just so damn perfect mates! I've never met anyone like her...I think she may be the one." He smiled a lopsided grin. Harry and Liam exchanged knowing glances. Niall just rambled on for about 5 minutes about everything he loved about you. The list included how you smelled, your smile, your eyes, your body, your personality etc.. You just listened excited at what you were hearing. Suddenly you had to sneeze. You tried to control it but it slipped out anyways. "AhChew!" You sneezed squeakily. When you rounded the corner and saw Niall's face you had to bite back laughter. Niall's face was absolutely positively priceless! He was shocked and terrified at the same time. When he finally go the courage to say something, it came out in one LONG-ASS sentance at a speed which you couldn't comprehend. You put a finger to his lips shushing him. "Just shut up and Kiss me you irish idiot." You said smiling. He didn't hesitate either. He gabbed you by your waist and kissed you. It started out softly but just as it was about to get heated you heard Harry clear his throat. "Yes Harold?" You asked making him blush. "I err. We uhh. We should probably leave now...C'mon Liam. Lets go!" He said dragging Liam out the door. You looked back at Niall and said, "Now..where were we?"

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