Josh Devine Hits on/Makes a Move on/Hits You(Liam and Zayn)

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You were at the club with the Lads, Perrie and Eleanor, as well as their gorgeous drummer, Josh. You couldn't help but stare at him. He was pure perfection and every time he caught you staring he would smile causing millions of little butterflies to terrorize your tummy. Liam was your best friend and even though you wanted to be more you were sure he never felt the same way. You, Perrie and Eleanor were at the bar and you had had a bit too much to drink so when they wanted to dance with you, you readily agreed. You got up off the stool and slid to the floor getting up a few seconds later laughing uncontrollably. Liam watched you from the corner of the club where him and the rest of the boys were chatting. Josh was talking about how attractive he thought you were and considering you were so drunk you couldn't even remember your name, you didn't notice Liam flushing with anger as Josh got up to dance with you. You were dancing like nobody was watching when you felt a pair of hands at your waist. You flipped your head to face Josh. He was pure perfection...and he was dancing with you. You were grinding on him and you could feel his erection through his pants. You didn't care though. Little warning bells were going off in your head signaling that Josh was getting too close for comfort but you were too shit-faced to care. He started trailing kisses up your neck to your jawline and when you whirled around to face him he crashed his lips to yours. As it was about to get heated you felt someone grab your wrist pulling you away from Josh. He started to protest but instantly shut his mouth. You were surprised to see Liam with a firm grasp on your wrist, and his jaw clenched staring straight at Josh with fire in his eyes. Liam pulled you out of the club with you stumbling the whole way trying to gain your balance. When he got to the car he basically threw you into passenger seat and slammed the door. “What the Fucking Hell Liam!? I was having funn!” you slurred. He didn't say a word just drove down the block towards his house. You lived on the way there and when you passed your house you started to cry. He noticed but didn't say a word even though it was killing him on the inside. When you got to Liam's flat he opened the car door and you literally fell out. Like face-planted onto the sidewalk. He picked picked you and carried you bridal style through the door and up the stairs. He threw you some sweatpants and a T-shirt and you walked to the bathroom. You had just put the T-shirt on before you fully passed out. He came into the bathroom and sucked in a breath seeing you on the floor the T-shirt barely covering your most intimate parts. He finished dressing you and carried you to the bed where he covered you up with the blankets. He finished covering you and he lay down next to you softly stroking your cheek and humming WMYB. The next morning you woke up with a killer hangover. When you finally managed to make it downstairs, Liam was in the kitchen making pancakes. You walked over to the stool and sat down with your head laying on the cool granite counter-top. When you looked up finally you saw Liam staring at you. “Yes?” You asked. “Did...Did you enjoy yourself last night. I mean when you were kissing Josh...?” Liam asked not being able to hide his obvious hurt. “No.” “Thats what I...Wait..What? You didn't?!” He exclaimed clearly excited. “No Dipshit. The only way I would have enjoyed it was if I was kissing you...” You said finally voicing your feelings. He was obviously surprised. Before you knew it his soft lips were on yours. It was the perfect kind of kiss. Passionate and loving. Your lips moved perfectly in sync like they were meant to. When he pulled away he wrapped his arms around you in a loving embrace, showing you he never wanted to let you go. He never did after that.


“Hey babe. Whats up?" Josh asked you casually. "Nothing really. Waitin for Zayn." You said smiling. He just nodded and went back to practicing. After a few minutes of watching him practice he suddenly stood up and walked over to you. “You know you could do a lot better than Zayn (Y/N).” He said winking. “I think I'll pass Josh.” you said starting to walk away. Josh caught up to you though and started hardcore flirting with you. He touched your arm first, then tried touching your cheek, which you managed to avoid. But when his hand wandered down to your ass. You had it. You whirled around to face him a smug little grin on his face. Before he knew what hit him you had kicked him hard with your high-heeled shoe right in the crotch. “Josh Devine! I swear to god if you EVER touch me again, I will kick your balls so hard up your man-gina that you will fucking taste them!” you shouted at him. He was on his knees holding his crotch when Zayn ran up to you. You started to explain he was hitting on you and Zayn kicked him again in the crotch. Then placing a kiss on your forehead and wrapping an arm around your waist you walked off together with you giving one last evil glare behind you to where Josh was being yelled at and publicly humiliated by Paul. Lets just say Josh stayed clear of you after that little incident.

One Direction Prefrences/One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora