You're killed in a shooting Part One (WARNING: YOU MIGHT CRY)

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He slowly walked in through the door to His and Louis' flat. When he saw the other boys gathered around the living room watching Football he rushed to grab the remote, knowing he had to tell someone other than keeping it all bottled up inside. The boys started to protest but when Harry whirled around to face them eyes red and puffy from crying they shut up hoping everything was okay with you and your guys relationship. Harry said nothing as he Switched it to the news, and plopped down on the couch burrying his face in his hands. "THIS JUST IN! Harry Styles girlfriend was shot and killed this morning, at the college, in Wolverhampton. Fortunately none of the other students were harmed, just (Y/N). We interviewed Rebecca Ross, one of (Y/N)'s best friends. This is what she had to say." Just then a video clip showed up of Rebecca being interviewed. The boys watched intently saying nothing the shock plastered plain on their faces. "Sh-She saved us...The shooter, she was a fan of Harry and the boys. Sh-She came into our class asking for (Y/N) and when nobody said anything she threatened to kill everyone. She said if we just gave up (Y/N) We would live. No one wanted to say anything o-of course, kn-knowing she might be killed. But Sh-She stood up anyways, where the girl dragged her outside an-and Killed her! If it weren't for (Y/N) most of us would probably be dead...Sh-She's a hero. and I know we'll nev-never forget her..ever!" Rebecca broke into sobs before the clip was taken down and the interviewer said something else. "The Shooter has been caught and killed. The Name and details for the shooter has not yet been released. But I know as well as everyone watching this, (Y/N) will forever be a hero. Goodbye and have a wonderful night." Harry grabbed the remote again and switched off the Television before he dropped to the floor into a sobbing heap. The boys sat there shocked for a minute trying to comprehend everything that was going on. Niall was the first one up and the rest of the boys followed. They wrapped Harry in a huge group hug for a while comforting there bandmate. When they pulled away, Liam spoke, "Harry...Oh my. I'm so so sorry mate. She was a wonderful girl. She really was. The world might lost her but heaven gained a gaurdian angel. She'll be watching over you mate." Liam wrapped him in another bear hug. "Harry, I think you should get some sleep. Or at least try to." Louis said. Harry sniffled and nodded tredging up the stairs to the bedroom you guys once shared. Just as he was drifting off to sleep he felt something touch his shoulder. He turned around to find nothing there. "Huh?" He mummbled sleepily. "Goodbye Harry. I'll be waitng for you you know. I promise." Hearing your voice made him smile not even realizing that your presence was in his room. He thought it was a dream until he felt a cold sensation on his cheek. His eyes opened wide just in time to see you pull away from him. He saw your smiling face one last time before you disappeared. "I love you (Y/N) Forever and Always" he said as he drifted off to sleep.


 He was right there when It happened. He saw the gun. He saw the shooter. He saw you being shot. He didn't want to believe it at first as the EMT's put you into a streatcher carrying you away. People were running around while he just stood there in shock. Finally Niall pulled at his arm dragging him away to take him home. But Lou didn't want to go home. He just wanted you. He blinked back tears all the while mumbling "(Y/N) No. All my fault. All my fault" For he did believe it was all his fault. He had taken you through that damned alleyway as a shortcut. He had gone ahead of you instead of knowing you had slowed down and weren't behind him any longer. He had stood there frozen as the masked man took you away screaming his name. He hadn't called the cops for he had been too shocked at seeing his beloved girlfriend being carried away. He ran after you and the masked man but it was too late. For you were there lying on the cold concrete sidewalk surrounded in a pool of blood. The man had run away and Louis could hear the ambulance and police cars coming. he could feel the presence of people running around but he didn't see any of it nor did he care. All he could see was your almost lifeless body on the ground. He can still remember you faintly saying I love you Lou..I always will, before being carried away on the stretcher. He stayed the night at the small house you two had shared. But he slept on the couch in the basement not wanting to go upstairs to see all the pictures you had put up on the wall. "It gives this place a homey feel don't ya think Lou?" You asked him. He just nodded and kissed your neck. Making you smile as you walked into the kitchen holding hands. You both didn't know that that night, would be your last night together..In your new home...


You were there. In the hospital bed..on life support. All because of Liam. Or so he thought. He told you he had to go on tour. So the last night you spent together you both decided to go to the club. You drank all your worries away and danced so care-free and crazy. You had lost all your ablilities to think straight so you followed the man you thought was Liam. He led you out of the club, taking you into an alleyway. Liam didn't realize it until it was too late. "Hey Cutie...Can I buy you a drink?" A blonde girl slurred. Liam shook his head as he searched for you in the crowd. "Looking for the girl you were here with?" His face whipped back to face the drunk blondie. She smirked knowing she caught Liam's attention so she continued. "Yeah Yeah...I saw her. Bout half and hour ago. She left with Bruce." Liam grabbed her by the wrist surpsising her. "Who the hell is Bruce?" She shrugged but winced as Liam tightened his grasp. "Look Buddy, all I know is he's been booked for rape...about twenty years ago? On Probabtion too..." Liam needed to know nothing more. He rushed out of the club looking for you. He heard three gunshots. Then saw a man casually sneak out of a dark alleyway putting something in a coat pocket. Liam was trying to figure out what the damned thing was the man put in his pocket and why he was coming out of a dark alleyway at two am. Then ever so slowly it sunk in...He must have been Bruce...and the thing he had put in his pocket was a gun....

Liam ran as fast as he could to the alleyway the man had come out of, whipping out his phone on the way to call an ambulance and the police. He spoke calmly at first but when he saw you halfnaked, your dress basically ripped to shreds and a single bullet wound to the left side of your chest. He lost it. He sunk to his knees sobbing violently and held your halfnaked body close to his. You were breathing still, thank god...But it was doubtly he knew that you'd live for long. 

"I'm sorry, But Mr. Payne...we need you to leave..We are going to take her off life support. Nurse Hamilton will lead you out." The Doctor said. "Can I have a minute to say Good-Bye at least?" He pleaded. The Nurse was about to protest but the Doctor cut her off with an 'Of course you may. When your ready just come out' She told Liam smiling sadly closing the door. He took one look at your motionless face, your limp, semi-lifeless body and blinked back all the tears threatening to overflow his cheeks. "I know you probably can't hear me (Y/N) But I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all the time we spent together....Three years is a while isn't it?" He tried laughing but he just sounded pathetic. "I know that while I may have lost you..You'll always be in my heart...forever. I just wanted to ask if you'd promise to be my guardian Angel while your up there. Because I don't think I'll ever love anyone as much as I loved you...Hell (Y/N) I doubt I'll ever love another girl again. I'll miss you Love...Good-Bye." He said kissing your cheek. You didn't think he could see you, and your lips curled into a small smile. But Liam saw and Liam knew you had heard him. Liam held true to his word. He tried moving on, but he never loved a girl the way he loved you. He never married and never had kids. The night he died he saw you sitting on a bench as he approached the white pearly gates of heaven. "She told me she was watin for her true love. Guess your the one huh?" Saint Peter said smiling as you took his hand in yours and walked through the gates of heaven together! 

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