Josh Devine Hits on/Makes a Move on/Hits You(Niall, Harry, and Louis)

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"Hey (Y/N) How about some 'private drum Lessons' back at my place?" Josh said winking. You looked at him in disgust. But when you tried walking away, he grabbed your arm pulling you towards him until you were real close to his face. "C'mon Love you know you want to." He leaned in and crashed his lips to yours. You were surprised and tried pushing him away but he had too strong a grip on your waist. Suddenly you felt him pull away and saw Niall pushing him to the ground and in one swift motion gave him a punch to his face no doubt causing a bloody nose. You pulled Niall off of Josh and before Josh got up to land a punch on Niall you left him with a swift kick to the crotch sending him down on his knees in pain. Niall wrapped his arm around you and kissing your forehead said, "Atta-Girl (Y/N)" You just smirked at Josh as Paul came into the situation fussing at Niall and Josh asking what all the rigmarole was about. He was in the middle of yelling at Josh and Niall who were both looking at each other with anger and defiance, when you stepped in to explain, "Look, Paul? You wanna know the truth?" He nodded. "Well, Josh was hitting on me and when I tried walking away he kissed me. Not with my permission might I add, so of course Niall stepped in. Yes I'll admit Niall may have over-reacted...But you must admit that Josh was WAY outta line." Paul looked like he was about to pull out his hair but agreed with me that Josh was WAY out of line. As Paul took a mumbling Josh away towards the break room you stood on tiptoes and gave Niall a quick peck on the cheek and squeezing your arms around his waist to signify you were and always would be his...


You were at one of One Directions Concerts. You were waiting to surprise your boyfriend of Two years, Harry, at the last concert of the Where We Are 2014 tour. You had asked Paul to fly you out so you could surprise him. He readily agreed. So there you were waiting for the boys final speech to be over so he could walk off stage and see you. Unfortunately Josh Devine saw you first. He had a thing for you ever since you first met one Direction at a book signing in 2011. Then about two months later on new years eve at the Midnight Party in MSG(Madison Square Garden) Harry asked you to be his girlfriend starting a seemingly never ending feud between the two boys. You prayed silently for him to have to stay onstage but unfortunately he was dismissed along with the few other people who played the instruments for 1D. He strides up to you with a little grin on his face at which you just rolled your eyes. "Hey Babe!" He said, "Hey Asshole" You retorted. Not a second after you said that you felt a sting on your right cheek. Your hand touched your cheek and you winced at the feeling. That's when you realized Josh had slapped you. "YOU FUCKING PRICK!" You screamed earning stares from the backstage people passing you by and fortunately gaining Paul's attention as well. Paul rushed over to you and Josh and pulled you away from your staring match. He noticed the red spot on your cheek earning a look of disbelief from Paul and a smug grin from Josh. "You didn't just hit my girlfriend did you Josh?" I heard Harry say. Josh whirled around to face Harry's threatening figure towering above him. "Well. Yeah, Cuz she was being a smug little bit.." Harry cut him off by punching him in the jaw. Josh stumbled a bit before coming back to his defense he landed a punch hitting Harry in the stomach, knocking the wind of him. Unfortunately Josh saw this as a perfect opportunity to land another punch but you wouldn't let him. You kicked him in the back of the knee making both knees buckle as hit the floor. They were going to go at it again but you jumped in the middle of them both making them stop. "ENOUGH! God-Damn! You boys are what in your twenties? Both of ya need to grow a motherfuckin pair and stop acting like hormonal girl-crazed teenage boys! I'm sick of this shit! I'm not a toy. I'm a human being. I'm Harry's and Josh. You've got a girlfriend already. Seriously this has been going on two years too long. Just own up to the fact that you both were wrong and you both need to make up and apologize before shit gets more out of hand then it already was. Okay?" Everyone stared at you in utter surprise because #1. You never swore. #2. You were such a quiet and calm person. and #3. Everyone was a tad bit scared to see you like this ever again. Josh surprised everyone by apologizing first. "(Y/N) you're absolutely right. I am an ass. I apologize for even laying a finger on a woman especially you. and Harry. We gotta make up sometime huh mate? I'm sorry Harry!" Harry just nodded and said "Me too man." Then they hugged making everyone sigh in relief at the fact that the two of them were no longer in a fight. Harry took you by the hand and you walked off together each of you catching up on the others day.


You were at work when the 6 boys came into the Sweet Shoppe Diner. You recognized the sixth one as the 1D Drummer Josh Devine. Louis your boyfriend, saw you and waved, causing you to smile. "Hey, Jess. Can I get them?" You asked the other waitress who had just picked up the menus. "Sure Hon. l'm guessing the one who just waved is Lou?" you nodded causing her to smile, knowingly. It seemed he was all you ever talked about at work these days "Then whatchya waitin for Sug? Go on!" You just laughed and made your way over to the 6 boys. You handed them their menu's and Lou got up and kissed your cheek. "Lads meet my Lovely Lady." His arm was around your waist as he pulled you close. "Hi! My name's (Y/N) and I'll be your waitress today." They laughed but soon realized your boss was nearby causing Louis to pull away from you blushing. "Alrighty boys, Can I start you off with any drinks?" Louis and Josh ordered Chocolate Milkshakes where as the boys ordered Strawberry Soda's. You left to get the order. "I'm going to the loo. Be right back Lads." Louis told them. After he left Josh leaned over to Harry, and started telling him how hot he thought you were. Harry just shook his head and warned him to not make any rash decisions. All Josh did was laugh. When you returned with the drinks Josh started flirting with you. and I mean hardcore flirting. You did your best to ignore it but when Josh slid his hand behind your thigh as you leaned over to give Niall his drink you lost it. Little did you know Lou saw what happened and before you could say anything Josh's Chocolate Milkshake was all over his head. "That's what you get for flirting with The Sassmaster's, Lady!" Lou shouted. Josh blushed with anger and excused himself hurriedly leaving the diner. You laughed with the rest of the boys and took their orders. When Lou put his hand on the back of you thigh like Josh had. You looked him straight in the eye snapped your fingers in a Z, said "Nuh-Uh!" and walked away leaving Lou blushing with embarrassment and the rest of the boys laughing their heads off. Lets just say Lou got his payback when you got off work later that night... ;D

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