Your Parents Dis-Own You

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You were sitting in the living room of the flat you shared with your boyfriend of 18months Harry Styles. You were looking at a picture of you and your parents on vacation in London, which is where you first met Harry. Finally you couldn't control the tears any longer, and you let loose. All the tears came overflowing your eyes and racing down your cheeks like water from a waterfall. Pain, Regret, anger, hurt. These were all the things your tears were based on. After a while you laid down and just cried yourself to sleep. You were curled up in a little ball sleeping when Harry came in. "(Y/N)! I'm home love!" Harry yelled shaking you from your pain-induced sleep. He must have gotten back early. But when you looked at the clock on the DVR you realized it was almost 7. 'Wow' you thought. 'Crying yourself to sleep really keeps you asleep' Before you could say a word Harry came into the living room causing you to hide your face. You hoped Harry wouldn't notice, but he did. “Babe, what's wrong?” You looked up causing him to stare at your red, swollen, tear-stained face. He didn't say a word just held you close making you feel safe. “There There, (Y/N) its alright. I promise. I promise.” He said, his words soft and calm quietly comforting you. You sniffled and cried softly into his shirt. After a few more minutes of thoughtful words and him rocking you back in forth the tears could no longer fall. You took one look at his shirt where you tears stained the fabric and mumbled, “Golly, I'm so Harry, I didn't mean to ruin your shirt.” He smiled softly and kissed your forehead, saying, “You didn't ruin it love. Its called a washing machine.” You laughed quietly at his remark and nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck. You two just stayed there in silence for a while relishing the feeling you both got when you were together. No noise, no crazed fans, just the two of you together. It felt right. Finally you broke the silence. “The reason I was crying Harry, was because my mom disowned me. She told me if I didn't leave you she'd disown me. She doesn't think you and I will last any longer because of your “Image”. You're known as a womanizer Harry, and my mom doesn't want me to make the same mistakes she did.” He stared at you shocked. “You're leav...” You put a finger to his lips shushing him. “Never. I would never leave. Not in a few days. Not in a few weeks. Not in a few months. Not in a few years. I'm yours for eternity Harry. Forever and ever. So I guess I'm disowned..But its totally worth it because I'm with the one I love...” You told him. He smiled and pressed his lips to yours. It was the a magical kiss. It showed how strong your love was. There were many more kisses like the one you shared that night. Whenever you fought you'd remember the words you told him that night and all was forgiven. You really were his for eternity...


You packed everything into your big purple suitcase, crying the whole time. You knew you didn't want to leave him, but you had to. You're entire future was being decided on after this moment. You never heard the door downstairs open and you never heard Liam call your name telling you he was home early. When you didn't answer he was worried so he walked upstairs to the bedroom you shared. He saw you putting everything in a suitcase hurriedly. “You're leaving me?” You whirled around to come face to face with the man you loved. He tried the hide the hurt in his voice but he wasn't very good at it. “Liam..I-I have to!” You said choking on the words. “NO! (Y/N) You don't HAVE to! You WANT to. There is a DIFFERENCE!” He shouted making you feel even worse. You plopped down on the bed and buried your face in your hands sobbing uncontrollably. Liam regretted the words as soon as they were out of his mouth. “(Y/N) Shush. Don' t cry. No Please...don't cry..” He said. When he tried putting an arm around you you lost it. You jumped up to face him sadness and regret replaced by misery and anger. “No. Liam. I said I HAVE to leave. I don't WANT to leave you. I never WANT to leave you. EVER. God-damn it Liam! I told you I loved you. You don't understand. So before you start YELLING at me. LET ME EXPLAIN!” You shouted. “I-I deserved that. I'm sorry Love..Please..explain.” He hung his head like a lost puppy and you gave in. “My parents called about an hour ago and told me that if I didn't come home and end our relationship The-They'd spend my college fund and leave me with NOTHING to pay for college. Liam I need to go to college. I can't sing like you. I absolutely need the money. I was going to go to the college in London so I could be with you. I mean I even got accepted and everything. But What am I going to say, 'Uhmm Yeah. Excuse me. My parents disowned me and I'm not able to pay my tuition. Do you take free admission?' Uh. No. Liam I can't afford to lose that money. I really cant. I need to get a degree. So I can make money.” You told him before bursting into tears once more. Liam didn't waste even a second to get up off the bed and wrap his arms around you. This time you let him. He held you in a tight embrace for what seemed like such a short time before he pulled away. He cupped your face in his hands and looked deep into your eyes. “(Y/N) I. Will pay for your tuition. I can't let the best thing that's ever happened to me walk out of my life. I won't let that happen. I want you to be mine. I don't ever want you to leave me. Please take the money I'm offering. That way we can always be together and we don't have to worry about anyone taking either of us away from the other. You're my world (Y/N) and I know I'd go insane without you.” You smiled at his kind words, before he planted a kiss on your forehead. You didn't hesitate to run downstairs and grab the phone. You were going to call your parents and tell them your decision. Maybe they can finally stop bitching about not having enough money to go to the Bahama's.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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