If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (17)

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A quick reminder- in the last part Amanda stopped Skye and Noah and insisted that they kiss to prove that they were really dating because she just assumed that Noah was a bodyguard because she had had similar ones in her overprotective childhood. They kissed, and Skye really enjoyed this kiss---and that is where this begins.

Please enjoy!


My face was red and hot as I stared at the place where Amanda rushed off to, thinking at what just happened. Noah suddenly brushed my arm reassuringly. “Wow, hah, that was a close one huh.” He nudged me, and I flinched away from him, my head pounding profoundly. “Hey.. you okay?” I made the mistake of looking at Noah's face and immediately started running to the girls rest room.

“Hey!” Noah yelled, not understanding as I ducked into the girls bathroom, hiding in the last stall, thought it still didn't have a lot space for me to cower in confusion. Stupidly, I expected Noah to not enter the girls bathroom, for the obvious reason of him having a penis but obviously that didn't stop him for even a second as he dashed in right behind me and almost plowed the flimsy metal door down with him. “Schuyler. You know you can't go anywhere without me, what's wrong? Schuyler?”

I couldn't bring myself to speak, because I couldn't even get my own heart under control.

“Skye?!” Suddenly, I thought that Noah would seriously consider breaking this door down to get to me. What could I possibly get away with in this handicapped bathroom? “Come out of the stall.”

“I am not coming out of the stall.” I said with a stone like voice, I had a hard time recognizing myself and it made me worry. I just kissed my kidnapper, and even though it sounds cliche and like a stupid Katy Perry song, I liked it. I had completely liked it, and now I was so irreversibly embarrassed that I didn't even want to look at him.

Ever, ever again.

“Skye. Get out of the stall before I come in.” Noah demanded, and I could tell he was serious and yet I couldn't bring myself to move.

“Noah, just leave. I can't go anywhere anyway.” I whined, backing up against the cold cement wall and sliding down it until I was sitting on the dirty floor. I didn't want to be around him anymore, I couldn't handle the fact that our relationship went from faking it severely to... this wasn't anything. He was planning on having me killed when I was no more use to him! I threw my head in my hands, and rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands roughly trying to straighten my thoughts.

Before I could tell Noah otherwise, I jumped at the sight of seeing him sticking him head underneath the stall. He was sliding on the dirty bathroom floor; I was at the perfect angle to kick at him but all I did was sit there frozen without even saying a word.

“Why are these stalls so small, jeez stand up.” Noah said struggling to get to his feet, then reached a hand out for me. I didn't take it and Noah just kept looking down at me. “Should I understand why you're acting like this? ...because I'll be completely honest I have no idea.” Noah said, forcing me to stand before him. The stall was so small that our chests came together, and he lifted my chin up so he could look down at me with his intimidating glaze.

“They're small because they're meant for one person, you aren't supposed to be in here.” I insisted, trying to get my chin out of his grasp, praying no one entered the bathroom.

“What is the problem? Tell me or we will never leave this smelly room! Clearly it was that kiss, what? What about that kiss?” I kept my mouth firmly shut. “What? ...Was it your first?” He guessed and immediately I yanked my chin away from him forcefully, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

“N-no. Of course not. I'm seventeen.” I lied, and it was so easily detected that I just shook my head, admitting defeat as Noah rubbed the back of his hand against my hot, red cheek.

“I didn't mean to steal your first kiss... I just needed to make it believable, Amanda needed to think that this was real.” Noah explained, and he didn't make my embarrassment lessen even a little. I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, this.” I said bitterly. “But it's not, it's not real... this isn't real.” I sighed the last part loosing my steam, and suddenly Noah pressed his hard chest against mine, gently shoving my back against the cold cement wall. By instinct I lifted my head to look at what he was trying to accomplish, instantly worrying that someone had entered the bathroom during my miniature rant and noticed the boy shoes... but as I listened there was no one in the bathroom, it was still just us.

“Don't sound so disappointed.” Noah smiled, leaning closer to me his face impossibly close, his lips almost touching mine.... I pulled my face away and banged the back of my skull against the hard wall. Immediately Noah wrapped his arm around my shoulder, tenderly touching my head his face imbued with worry. His arm being in that position only made his body closer to mine. “Skye..” Noah sighed, his breath cascading my face slowly nearing me again. I was the one to close the gap between us faster, bringing my lips to his and letting his warmth soak into me as I wrapped my arms around his torso because his other arm had managed to come around my other shoulder.

After our lips danced with each others for longer than I expected, I pulled away with a freight. My mind was finally coming back to me, and I looked up at Noah, his eyes were on me a brighter blue than I was accustomed too. I pushed my face into his neck for his to stop looking at me, but all that I accomplished was easier access for him to wrap his arms around me.

“This can't be happening.” I breathed against his skin, and he tightened his arms around me.

“But it is,” Noah whispered back, and I pulled away from him with a stubborn expression on my face. I looked at him with a stern expression.

“What are you hoping to get out of this?” I asked bitterly, and confusion crossed Noah's face; he looked genuinely hurt.

“I was hoping to get another kiss... but I forgot how stubborn you are. Briefly though, that prior knowledge came flooding back.” Noah said sarcastically, not pulling away from me.

“Noah...” I breathed, trying to restrain from slapping him due to all the emotions that were flooding through me. “You know why I'm here... you know everything. You know what is going to happen to me.” He went to cut me off, but I pressed my finger firmly against his moist lips. “You know that by the end of this, I wont be here anymore.” I swallowed hard, “why are you making this more complicated?” I breathed and Noah looked pained, grabbing the elbow that was connected to the finger I was holding him, he pulled it down but kept a steady, sincere stare at me.

“I didn't mean to start liking you...” He whispered, and my heart started racing. “It started developing at the old house, before we came here. You're so witty and have such a fiery attitude. I just needed to protect you, and make sure that you were safe. You don't deserve what we're putting you through Schuyler.” Noah used my whole name, and I could tel by his tone how much he meant this. “I want to wish that I never met you, that I never got you in these circumstances, but I can't. It would do no good... you just need to know what ...cuddling with you in the middle of the nice definitely warmed me up to you.” Noah smiled, and I couldn't help but match it. “I've told you before that what you think about this is wrong, that your ending is different than the one I'm writing but you continue to not believe me. Can you trust me now?” He asked, and I bit my lip.

“Are you going to tell me your ending?” I asked and he nodded slowly.

“We can't discuss it here though. That would be poor planning, just know it doesn't involve just me anymore. You have more people that developed feelings for you than you realize. Alex and Andrew talk about you like your their younger sister...” Noah rested his forehead on mine and I tried to let relief flood through me but I kept my body rigid. “I've been thinking about this a lot, and if it goes according to plan, we will get away scotch free... you'll be home, and my brother, Marshal and the rest of them will get what they deserve.” The intensity in Noah's voice was impossible to ignore. “But we have to keep this appearance going, the plan I'm hatching up can't take place for awhile. Nick, none of them can suspect something. We can't even safely talk about this in our room... don't mention this outside of this stall.” Noah instructed and even though I was reluctant, I nodded my head.

“Alright, but we have to talk about it at another time. This can't just be it...” I breathed heavily and Noah nodded sternly.

“I know, I want you to trust me Skye. I'm getting you out of this, you're too perfect to live a life like this.” Noah insisted and my heart fluttered. I wrapped my arms around him once more and absorbed his body heat. He didn't pull away from my body that clung to him until the bell rang above our heads.


Our next class was with all the boys, and it seemed obvious to them that something had changed between Noah and I. Alex and Andrew stared at us as we sat across from them, but I kept my promise about not uttering a word about what Noah had said outside of that stall. I knew it wouldn't be safe, we didn't know who was working for Nick, and we didn't know what he would do to us if he found out that his brother was planning on bailing him in to insure my safety.

This was a weird relationship that Noah and I had just created, it went from being horribly fake ..to maybe something more. I questioned in my head if I could even trust this man, or if it was all apart of the elaborate plan to get what they started this all for. Would Noah lie to me, to give me some hope, some incentive besides the murder of my parents, to get out of this?

I found it hard to breathe while I continued following this trend of this, it was nothing but an endless spiral of doubt and conspiracy. It was like Noah could read my mind of bleak thoughts because as I was about to brush off the moment Noah and I had this the bathroom stall as all apart of the plan he placed his hard roughly on my knee making me jump and stare at him wide eyed.

“You okay beautiful?” He asked, squeezing my knee, and I couldn't tell if he was doing it for the classroom; keeping the sure aide up or if he was genuinely concerned about me.

“Yeah.” I muttered, “I'm just not feeling too well I guess.” My lying came out stronger than usual.

“Is that why you spend so much time in the bathroom last block? Just remember what I told you when you left.. I'm going to take care of you sweetheart.” Noah insisted, and even though he spiced it up I could tell what he was hinting at and I smiled.


Andrew and Alex still looked more confused than before, and their looks were squashed by a look from Noah, which pretty much said “Later.” They got the memo easily, dropping the silent subject, and Noah removed his hand from my knee as class began.


School was finally over for the day, and I didn't think it could have gone any slower. I didn't want to go back to our apartment though because more questions would plague me and I wouldn't be able to ask any of them. If Nick was smart, he would have bugged our room securely, and it was probably the last place we would be safe to have serious conversations. I just wanted Noah to explain something to me, like a date, a time, a sign... anything. I needed reassurance that I hadn't imagined the entire scene to brighten up the dull, quick-to-be-ending life that they handed me.

The car ride home was short and silent; and when we got to the apartment no conversation stirred between any of the guys and me. We were greeted with a full fridge, which was welcoming to see, and I went into the bedroom that I shared with Noah.

“I think I'm going to take a shower, I'm feeling really crummy.” I kept the excuse going because Andrew and Alex were accompanying Noah by watching a football game that came in all hazy on the tiny TV the room provided.

“Feel better, love.” Alex smiled at me, and I knew that he had put two and two together to know that something was going on. I nodded, before venturing into the bedroom to get clothing to sleep in. Nick had a sick humor with what he thought I would like sleeping in. All the silk, skimpy shorts and barely there tank tops were not something I wanted to sleep in, so I always settled with the short shorts and one of Noah's plain t-shirts that I hoped he wouldn't miss, and he hadn't complained yet.

The water from the shower never got hot enough, but I had grown used to it. I let it chill my bones, as I tried to find it refreshing. I didn't know how much longer I stay here, not the shower per say, thought I was debating just getting out because no matter how much I wished it didn't get hotter, but in this mess. Maybe I would be better off attempting to slip out one of the school back doors, running to a house neighboring the school and pleading at them to call the cops. Even if they didn't believe me if I insisted that I was kidnapped, who doesn't call the cops when a teenage girl is bawling her eyes out for them to do so? Heartless people wouldn't, so maybe I had a shot at that.

Without a knock, the bathroom door opened, and I cursed myself for not locking the door. I saw no shadow though, and instinctively grabbed the biggest object my hands could find without me tearing my eyes away from the dingy shower curtain. I slunk to the opposite side of the nozzle, thinking that if this person was a stranger, that they would assume I would be there. I kept the water running as I cowardly hid in the corner, with my bare back against the freezing tile holding a large, family size bottle of Suave conditioner in my hands. Without second guessing myself, I flung just a little bit of the curtain back to throw the bottle of conditioned at the trespasser, and I was rewarded with a grunt knowing that it had made some kind of contact.

“What the Hell Skye?!” Noah breathed angrily, and I poked my head out of the shower curtain, hiding the rest of my body.

“I'm sorry!” I insisted, “I didn't know who it was...” I explained sheepishly realizing how paranoid I had been. Maybe it was because I was naked being this flimsy curtain?

“Well, it's me.” Noah laughed breathlessly, holding a water bottle in his hand. I went to question what he was doing, when he silenced me with a finger to his lips. “I'm just taking a leak.” I grimaced at his crude he was, when he showed me the large stabbed hole in the cap of the water bottle. He unzipped his pants, keeping eye contact with me as he started pouring the water bottle in the toilet, I had to give him credit it sounded a lot like what he claimed he was doing. Noah wasted no time though, bringing his face close to my ear, his lips were almost touching when he started talking. It was hard to hear over all the running water but I think that was the point.

“I'll keep thinking of ways to keep you informed, but just know... Halloween.” The bottle was quickly emptying. He pulled away, picked up the bottle and zipped up his pants. He went to leave, when I yelled to make it convincing.

“Wash your hands you animal!” I called from the shower, and I heard Noah laughed.

“Only if I can on your body!” He yelled back closing the door and I rolled my eyes, if Nick was listening he would sure love to hear that.


I'm so sorry for the wait! I completely forgot about this story, please if you ever see a long pause like that just bother me about the story by commenting on it, I read every single one I just didn't realize how long it had been. So please, comment about where you think this story is leading, and harass me about writing this because if you don't I will never get this done.

Thank you for caring about this <3

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