If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (7) *WATTY AWARDS*

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Youtube Video----->
has NOTHING to do with the story, but it was what i was watching while writing this and it is really hilarious. ^_^

“Uh, what happened …like LAST NIGHT when all of you wanted me dead, and ONE OF YOU--” I didn’t mention names, “tried to rape me. I want to understand how in the course of less than twenty-four hours I went from going to be buried behind one of the thousands trees you live around, to a welcomed maid.” I ranted, unaware of how I was coming off. I know this sounds stupid, but I couldn’t really comprehend what was going on anymore, the only thing I was generally thinking about was the fact I was never going to leave this little shack again.

    “Well, now you’re needed.” Andrew smiled widely, and I just sat there dumbfounded. “Have you seen this place? It’s a pig sty. You should start with my and Alex’s room. It’s needed.” Alex laughed at his brothers words, or my facial expression.
    The two nameless guys just shook there heads and stood up, almost sync. “I’ll have to alert the boss, I’m sure there will be penalties but you can probably keep her.” One said, and without any other words they both left the house.
    Noah rolled his eyes when the door closed behind the last guy. “Nolan is going to be more pissed than I am.” He said with almost a grunt.

    A little over a week has passed with me in this house. Even though Alex and Andrew wanted me to start in their room, I was ordered by Noah to start in the living room. It took me two days, both well into the night to be able to see the floor in that room, the dinning room the same way. I was still in the kitchen by day seven, I had been keeping notches in the bed frame.   
    The whole time of me cleaning, someone had to be watching. It was either Noah, one of the twins but usually both with them, or Jamie. Brendan was never allowed alone with me because Noah never let it happen. No one else knew he was the one who tried to rape me, but the twins always did bother me about it.
    Somehow in this weird twisted mess of a situation, I had become friends with them. Not like the friends I had back home, but I felt happier with them than any of my other captives. They were really funny, and reminded me of the twins from Harry Potter.
    I felt the safest with Noah though. He continued his sexual innuendos, and threats of touching me when I slept, which I still did with him, but not once had he ever done anything to me. Noah was the one who kept me away from Brendan, the closest he had gotten to me so far was sitting across from me at the table.
    “You missed a spot.” A voice said from behind me, so close it made me jump upright from my hunched position as I tried to open up a jammed drawer. Suddenly I felt his arms wrap around my waist, and press me to him. I shivered in discomfort, as a I tried to squirm away.
    “Very funny, Noah. Let me go.” I said humorlessly as he pulled me in tighter. “Seriously Noah, now.” Immediately his arms left my sides, and he sighed in frustration.
    “What’s up with you lately?” Noah asked stupidly and I turned around to glare at him with as much anger and frustration as I could muster.
    “Lately? Oh you know, just the usual… being kidnapped.” I snapped back sarcastically, wishing to be able to go back to my thoughts of the outside world. The only thing I ever heard was the bits and pieces on the news but I didn’t care about any of that though. I wanted to know about my family, about my Mother. I wanted to know how she was handling this, what she thought. I had heard on the news briefly, before Alex changed it with a sad expression on his face that the police had proclaimed I was dead… did my Mom think that? What about my Dad? I knew her birthday was coming up, and I knew how sad my parents must be without me being there.
    Noah rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean, you haven’t been yourself.” I just stared at him.
    “You don’t know me, you don’t know how I should act.” I insisted, ignoring the fact Noah actually, stupidly looked concerned.
    “Fair. But what I do know of you, you aren’t this quiet. You’re just moping around this house cleaning…. Willingly. So now. Tell me what is going on?”
    I frowned. How did he know? How did this man, who knew nothing about me but my name know something else besides the fact I’ve been kidnapped was wrong.
    “I was kidnapped Noah. I was kidnapped BY YOU. What else is supposed to be wrong?” I bluffed but Noah didn’t say anything and I knew somehow he knew I was lying. I wanted a good long moment before I said anything else to break his demanded silence. “It’s my Mothers birthday tomorrow… I got her a necklace. I saved up for two months with the little money I could get away taking out of my paycheck to get her that necklace and now she will never get it.” I said sadly, staring down at the floor in defeat.
    “Where is it?” Noah asked randomly.
    “Ugh… my underwear drawer.” My face flushed red. “I know she will never go in there, that’s why she will never find it.”
    Suddenly Noah changed the subject. “You really did miss a spot.” He pointed to the obvious miscellaneous smears on the tiled floor. I continued to glare at him.
    “Thanks.” I said sarcastically, and just like that my random moment with Noah was over as he made Alex watch me because he was ‘going out’.


    Why was I so compelled to do this? It was so obvious I was doing it too, I knew Nolan would find out and punish me further than he already has by making me stay out in the middle of no where with this girl. He was pissed when he found out we didn’t have Amanda, and got another group to do it because I was ‘incompetent’. and now as punishment we wont have any more assignments for a really long time.
    When Ronnie and Mike just got up and left to go report back to Nolan I knew we were in deep sh**. I had actually known the night I discovered we didn’t get Amanda, but when I got the call from Nolan telling me I was off the assignment I knew. I knew I, the twins, Jamie and Brendan were now deemed useless and a liability. Soon they would get around to killing us just like Nolan had ordered us to kill others that were nothing to him anymore. I couldn’t help but wonder what happed to Ronnie and Mike as well.
    But now I was driving to Schuyler’s neighborhood, with the cover of night to protect me from unsuspecting eyes to break into her house. God damn my big heart, if only I could bring myself to kill her and I would be off the hook. But I couldn’t, and I wouldn’t make any of the guys do it either. It wasn’t her fault we messed up, and she still looks so scared.
    Expertly, I silently crawled through her window. Her house was deathly quiet besides the soft crying coming from the only other bedroom window. I knew the layout of this house, every room, everyone piece of furniture from weeks of planning. I didn’t know how we could have grabbed the wrong girl.
    When I stood up in her room, I breathed in deep hoping to stay as silent as a mouse. I needed to do this for some reason, I just needed to move the necklace some place where the Mother would see and get out as quickly as possible. I knew Schuyler would never find out, but it was something that needed to be done.
    Quickly I opened the top drawer to her tallest dresser and fished through it. I was tempted to do more snooping than necessary but I knew I didn’t have the time. Besides that, from what I could tell they were all Hanes.. Classy. I made a face until my hand grabbed a long velvet box. I smiled satisfied, and turned around to leave it on the kitchen table or something when the bright overheard light flipped on. I turned around stunned as the light on the ceiling filled the room. I made the mistake of keeping my head up long enough for the Mother, whose eyes were stained a permanent red from crying to get  a good look at me.
    “Who are you?” She demanded weakly, and I swallowed. A large lump went down my throat painfully.
    “I…” I whispered, unable to make my voice get any louder.
    “Who are you?!” She gritted her teeth angrily and took a step closer.
    “I only came to let you have this.” I whispered, keeping my head down completely, the only thing I could see was her bare feet. Reluctantly it seemed she snatched it from my hand, and I heard her audible gasp. “It’s from your daughter… for your birthday.” I could hear she was crying again, but I couldn’t bring myself to lift my head to make sure. “I’m sorry.” I insisted, before dashing to the window and jumping out without any thought and running through their yard onto the street into the night.


    I was back into the living room, cleaning up after Brendan who was purposely making messes. I was going to talk to Noah about it, and see if I really had to clean up after him when the only reason he was acting like a pig was because of the fact he didn’t successfully rape me thank god.
    Brendan went up stairs, sulking in the fact I didn’t let his mess get me down and Alex told him off.
    “I’m sorry about him, he’s always been an a**hole.” Andrew explained, sitting on the couch and began channel surfing.
    “Yeah, ignore him. Now take a break, That’s 70’s Show will be on soon.” Alex said sitting on the couch, leaving only space for me to sit in between them. I didn’t care though, thankful that I could sit down and rest of the first time today before having to make dinner, I was the maid. I thought that meant I only had to clean, but to them that meant cooking and cleaning. They all even changed my title from  ‘maid’ to ‘b**ch.’
    Andrew controlled the TV, and started flipping through the channels, but I was the one who grabbed the remote from him forcefully making him stay on the news channel.
    My Mothers crying face filled up the whole screen, Andrew and Alex just sat there dumbfounded as I sat forward, thinking getting closer to the TV would somehow help.
    “Skye, give me the remote.” Alex said gently, surprised that the news of my kidnapping was still on the news after the police flat out said the odds of me being alive with slim to none and called off the searches. We all were surprised until we saw a sketching of a kidnapping ‘suspect’ my Mother had helped the police with.
    It was a black and white drawing of Noah. It was so clearly Noah that we all stared in silence, even as the front door opened and Noah walked in nonchalantly. His eyes froze of his face as well, and then it flashed to my Mothers red, puffy crying face once more with my Father trying to console her but failing as his own eyes were red as well.
    “I know you have her. She… The police said that there was a possibility she ran away but they don’t know Skye like I do. She’s my little girl.” My Mom sobbed. “She’s my baby I know she wouldn’t run away. I know you have her, and I know you’re watching this. You gave me this.” She held up the necklace I bought her, and I couldn’t feel my arms anymore. “You gave me this, because she told you too. Skye told you where it was, I know this. Please… she’s still out there… please.” My mother gasped, crying so hard she couldn’t breathe. “Please give her back to me.”
    It went back to the newscasters, who both were tearing up at my mothers words, just like I was.
    The man on the right said “If you have any news about where that mans whereabouts are please call…” he said the number but I couldn’t hear anymore. I was so dizzy as I stood up, tears coming out uncontrollably.
    “What was that?” I asked, staring at Noah dead in the eye.
    “I didn’t know she was going to find me.” Noah explained, and fire burned through my body.
    “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” I screamed, and Noah flinched.
    “I wanted… I wanted to give your mother that necklace you got her. I was going to leave it out for her, but she found me in your bedroom. I didn’t know-”
    “Why would you do that? Why would you go back there? Why?!” I screamed, my hands curling into fists. “You couldn’t just let her think I was dead?! That would be best! Now she knows. Now she knows I’m alive, and the thoughts of what you’re doing to me will haunt her for the rest of her life. She should think I’m dead!” I continued screaming, my voice getting hoarse with the volume I was yelling at him.
    “What are you thinking?!” Noah yelled back. “She was always going to think those. She is ALWAYS going to be kept up at night wondering what happened to do, regardless to what the police say you stupid girl. You’re right, I shouldn’t of gone but it’s too late now. But don’t be stupid and think your parents could just forget about you…”
Merry Christmas!
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