If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (20) THE END

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I think we all can agree this took way too long, I just lost all motivation to write and this is my attempt to force myself back into it. Writing is a part of me and without it I'm not happy so. 
I'm sorry this took so long, and I'm sorry it is not my best work. I'm working on it. I'm working on getting better.

I’ve been in this house for over a week, trying to preoccupy myself with movies but there are only so many times you can have a Marvel Movie Marathon with a group of grown men before jumping out the second story window starts sounding like a good idea. Amanda’s body guards have turned into both of ours. We couldn’t enter a room alone and it was all because of precaution. They were risking so much making sure I got out of this safe, and I was really appreciative of it, Amanda’s Dad owed him because if he hadn’t warned him about their plans we potentially could have stolen Amanda.

I remember one night we got our guards to let us share the king size bed in one of the rooms by ourselves. Obviously one of the guards stood directly outside the room, but it was better than nothing. We laid on our backs, staring up at the shadowed ceiling and I sighed heavily.

“I was trying to figure out a way to warn you…” I breathed, and Amanda went still. “I was scared, I didn’t want to befriend you because that would make it easier for them to take you, but I couldn’t make it obvious because they had guys watching my parents. I was trying to figure something out though, I promise you.”

Amanda looked over at me and smiled. “I know. I would have been trying to figure out the same thing.”

We spent that night talking, getting to know each other better and I discovered why so many people were after Amanda. Her Father was a multi-billionaire because he helped design guns for the US military. I tried joking that he was like Tony Stark, but she kept saying he wasn’t that cool. It was good though, because he tried really hard keeping Amanda out of that kind of life.

“Do you know what the plan is?” I asked Amanda and she instantly made a face.

“I’m not allowed to tell you the little that I know, because we need it to be believable. Just know, if you’re ever feel like you’re in danger, my Daddy has everything under control.”

I tried to find comfort in that, but it was impossible to really. I still had no idea what happened to Noah, I still didn’t know if he or the twins were safe from either Nick or Amanda’s Dad. I was going on sheer hope that this all would turn out fine and that I would be able to see my parents again and convince the police to not arrest Noah or the twins because they were being held captive just as much as I was. Would they see it like that though?




“EXCITING NEWS!” Amanda yelled excitedly, jumping on my bed to firmly wake me up. It was the second Friday that we had been here. Next week was Halloween, I had known something was coming up. “Your parents are in town, safe, in one piece. This will all be over soon!” I jumped out of bed.

“Can I see them now?! I haven’t seen them in almost a year.” My heart ached realizing how long I had been stuck under Nicks orders.

“Not today, we’re still setting everything up. You’ll know when though.”


If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!Where stories live. Discover now