If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (6) *WATTY AWARDS*

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    I woke up the next morning with a jolt, unaware that I had slipped into unconsciousness at any point of the night before, to someone poking my face. I moaned and opened my eyes to be face to face with Noah looming over me, remembering where I was I sat up instantly and knocked heads with him. With an audible crack I fell back onto the bed and Noah stepped away and glared down at me, like I had purposely head butted him.

    “Stupid b**ch. I’m already regretting my decision.” Noah rubbed his forehead and huffed loudly. “A change of clothing is in the bathroom, you’re allowed to shower and change but don‘t take too long. You have twenty-five minutes to do this, take too long and I have come up… I would just love…” He trailed off, his eyes racking my body as I was half covered by the thin white stained sheet. I shot up again, this time without hitting him and drew the sheet around me, tighter even though it still didn’t hide anything. Noah laughed. “Actually, it’s not me you should be afraid of, it’s the rest of this group of men. They would love to get their hands on you, so don’t disobey me or I just might let them.” My throat tightened at the thought of them being able to touch me the way no one else has and I felt like crying.

    “Where…” I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. “Where is the bathroom?” I asked, and Noah nodded ushering me out of bed and towards the door. Right outside that door, was the bathroom. I felt stupid for needed to be directed, this place wasn’t big enough to come with a handbook.

    “Everything you need is already in this bathroom, and as a safety precaution I’m locking the door from the outside.” He showed me the heavy duty lock that he managed to install obviously by himself, or made one of the henchmen to do it for him.

    “What? Can’t trust me?” I mocked, and Noah just laughed as he shoved me into the bathroom roughly, and closed the door slightly, leaving enough space where only he could stick his head in.

    “Even if you did get out of here, and managed to get out of this house, which I’ll just tell you now is highly unlikely… we will always find you Schuyler. You would just wind up in the middle of the forest, you would either die in those woods, or come back here and then I wouldn’t be the only one with the lock to the bathroom.” He rambled, but threatened me darkly and I just glared at him.

    “Can you leave me to shower now?” I demanded harshly, and he smiled widely before closing the door behind me, and the lock of the padlock on the outside of the door was deafening. I only have twenty-five minutes… quickly I checked the door to make sure it really was locked and when the doorknob didn’t even move I removed my work uniform. I was always generally happy to take it off, but now I was ecstatic as I started the hot water, now thankful Noah had locked the door so I didn’t have to worry about someone unwanted coming in.

    I felt disgusting with sweat and dirt. It had been too long, and I was glad they let me shower. The water got hot quickly, and I immediately jumped in savoring the feeling of the hot water as it hit my knotted muscles. I let it wet my long brown hair, and looked around to be greeted with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. It might have all been the cheap stuff, but it was the best thing I think I have ever used. When I felt like I was nearing fifteen minutes, I forced myself to get out. I fogged up the mirror and forgot to put a towel down so I got the hard floor wet. I used the two thin rough towels to dry myself before mopping up the puddle, and wiped the mirror so I could look at myself.

    The bags under my eyes were making me look much sleepier than I felt, but under the circumstance that I don’t really know how much I slept the night before I let it slide. The clothing they got for me was a pair of straight legged jeans and a baggy t-shirt that all hung on my awkwardly. There was nothing I could do to fix the clothing and make them fit me better so I just took my finger and brushed my teeth with the Colgate toothpaste they had on the sink. It didn’t leave me with an amazing taste in my mouth but it was better than nothing.

    I didn’t know how much time had passed, but it didn’t stop me from checking out the small cramped bathroom. There was one window, I went to it but discovered the window was nailed shut. I cursed under my breath as I discovered that being on the second floor gave me the perfect view… of tress. Nothing but trees. My heart sank to my knees as the thought that I was never going to get out of this. Even when I heard the lock click, and the door open I didn’t turn around from the window. I knew it was Noah as he approached me and stood right behind me. I felt his powerful presence, his head a full length above me. I felt his breath on the very top of my wet head as he sighed.

    “I told you, there is no reason to try and escape.” Noah said surprisingly gentle as he grabbed my elbows. Slowly he brought his rough hands down rubbing my arms lightly as he gripped my hands and began to pry them off the window. I didn’t even realize I was holding on to it with a death grip until I felt his hands on mine and then immediately I jerks them away and yanked my hands away from his and shoved through his arm until I was creating space between us. Tears were in my eyes threatening to unleash, reducing me to a blubbering idiot but I held back.

    I was breathing heavily as I stared at his composed face. “I’m never getting out of this…” I breathed, and Noah just stared at me.

    “It could be worse.” Noah insisted and I just glared at him, waiting for him to finish. “You could be dead.” His words were less than comforting, but I rubbed my eyes until I could stand on my own two feet firmly and just glared at him. “Now come down stairs, you should witness me laying all the rules out.”

    Noah, Brendan-the large man that tried to rape me last night, Alex and Andrew, both clearly twins I don’t know how I missed that, Jamie a scrawny man and two other boys sat around the table, leaving a seat for me at the head of the table opposite of Noah. None of them looked exactly happy, but I couldn’t bring myself to care about anything but the fact that was still sinking in that I was never leaving here and because of that thought I felt my heart shrinking up ten sizes.

    “Alright guys, because of your most recent screw up- say hello to Schuyler our new maid.” Noah smiled broadly down at me and my eyes narrowed at him.

    “Maid?!” I said with the rest of the guys and Noah nodded.

    “I can’t justify killing her just because you guys f**cked up, so we are going to make some kind of use of her. Look at this place, it’s trashed and disgusting, what better to have than a maid that you pay with a roof, food and a warm shower?” He asked, and I could tell Andrew and Alex were the first to seem to warm up to the idea. I just started at the guys that surrounded me.

    “Uh, what happened …like LAST NIGHT when all of you wanted me dead, and ONE OF YOU--” I didn’t mention names, “tried to rape me. I want to understand how in the course of less than twenty-four hours I went from going to be buried behind one of the thousands trees you live around, to a welcomed maid.” I ranted, unaware of how I was coming off. I know this sounds stupid, but I couldn’t really comprehend what was going on anymore, the only thing I was generally thinking about was the fact I was never going to leave this little shack again.

also don't complain about the mightymoodswing that just occured, because honest IDK where that came from, so dont yell at me i will cry. ugh i was in a bag mood...but then got happy and WOOO!!

this is being cut short do the fact that my Mom just got home, and i remembered that I had some english thing to do...due at midnight and its 11:42 so THANKS GUYS for letting me forget :P just kidding, I don't blame you, I couldn't care less.
just quickly would want to say.. I'm not in a good mood, I can't tell if it's because I am on my period or because I just hate people and it's just more apparent.
Uhm so yeah, on that note I love you guys?! I just discovered how many fans I have... well Ive KNOWN but like I discovered I lost a couple and was like D:?!?! and just realized how much i really like having as many fans as i do and i am extremely thankful to all of you <3

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