If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (19)

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HI~ I know that it's been forever and I'm so sorry but I promise the next post will be out soon, I'm already writing it. I know exactly where this is going, and how to end it. I am so excited for this you all will never understand.

tell me what you think with all these twists! :D


 “Skye can you please just calm down, do you honestly believe Noah couldn't take down those men if he really wanted to?” Amanda said, looking around out the window at the buildings whizzing past us.

That instantly threw me off, and I looked at Amanda incredulously. She turned her head and looked at me with a sly smile on her face. “I don't understand Amanda...” I breathed, fear consuming me. It didn't matter how I met Noah, whatever the circumstances were I cared about him and I wasn't afraid to admit it and I wanted nothing bad to happen to him. “Noah is a good man... please don't let them-”

“Hurt him?” She laughed, and I instantly wanted to slap her for thinking this was a joke. “He's in on it Skye, the men were in on it. Everyone who could be trusted were helping set this up. Everything is going to be fine, Noah will not be hurt- this was all his idea really.” If I thought I was confused before, that didn't compare at all to the thoughts rushing through my head.

“I don't understand.” I repeated and she patted my knee like a mother would do to her small child.

“You will understand everything, soon enough but it isn't my place to tell you. The driver is taking us back to the safe house, the people there can explain everything better than I can even attempt to. Just don't worry.” She explained, but it was impossible not to worry. The way she was talking, she was a good guy, but how could I know for sure?

The 'safe house' was a white, rundown, shabby house in the middle of no where. The sleek car we were driving looked out of place. I hadn't said anything since Amanda told me not to worry because there were too many thoughts floating in my head.

I felt stupid for being hopeful. Was Noah and the twins there to great me and explain to me what was going on? Was this really a good thing, or was Amanda and her family getting back at me for agreeing to help Nick successfully kidnap Amanda to save my families life? I was debating sprinting out of the car when the driver peacefully opened the door and running for it, but I figured that dying here couldn't hurt... if they were the bad guys Noah would be gone, and if I was dead Nick would have no use for me and my family would be free.

For the first time in a very long time no one quietly held my hand, or hovered over me to make sure I went where I was supposed to. I took that as a good sign and calmly entered the safe house. I was more worried for Noah, the twins and my family than myself.

I was surprised by how pleasant the insides of the safe house was, this place actually felt like a home regardless to how shabby the outside looked. The inside was clean, it smelled of lemon cleaning products, and looked to be dusted regularly. Amanda and I walked through the kitchen and I listen to the driver pull the car away from the house.

I froze in spot when we stepped into the living room. The couch looked expensive, hell everything looked expensive to me. I was used to all the furniture being screwed down at that hotel even though it was all probably from a Target. But most importantly there was a man sitting on the couch that I struggled to remember, he looked familiar... but I couldn't put a name to him.

“Hello Skye! I have heard so much about you!” The man beamed, “I'm Richard (A.N.- I do not remember this guys name,) Amanda's Father, and I have oh so much to explain to you. Please take a seat, I hope Amanda told you that Noah is in safe hands, and that your family is currently being watched.” I flinched when he mentioned my family, and sat down on the edge of the couch, ready to run if needed.

If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!Where stories live. Discover now