If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (9) *WATTY AWARDS*

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Hi! ^_^ this is my first update since putting it into the newest Watty Awards that is going on this year. I really hope you guys like this, and I plan to continue writing more tonight. If I get enough feedback on this before I get too tired I'll upload the next part. (I have no school tomorrow!)

It took about a week for the news to stop covering my disappearance again, and I was grateful when it stopped airing clips of my Mother crying on camera because I couldn’t handle it, and I was sure that my Mother was still crying even if I couldn’t see it happen and every time that they aired that clip it was only rising her hope that I was going to come on when I knew I wasn’t going to. I was never leaving this house.

    The days passed quickly and uneventful. It was strange not going to school, not going to work, not having a set schedule. Here, I could sleep in all I wanted and to shower all I had to do was tell Noah who was in control of my key and then all I did was clean. The guys, besides Brendan, had gotten really good about picking up after themselves, leaving me with nothing to do but watch the TV with the twins and Noah. Mostly Brendan was gone, not that I minded.

    It’s hard to be picky with what’s going on around you while your kidnapped because you really don’t have a say, but I was going insane. All I did was shower, clean and watch TV. I was amazed that the guys were okay with this kind of life. I had only been here for barely two months and I was already going stir crazy.

    The thing that was really getting to me the most was the change in everyone’s personality. Noah, though he had always been the iron fist ruler of everything inside this little house has suddenly become even more angry all the time and the twins weren’t helping the situation. They had grown bitter towards Noah and Brendan, and I couldn’t figure out why.

    One night around the table while we were eating pizza for yet another night because the guys refused to eat my cooking if it didn’t come in a package, I finally voiced my opinions. I wasn’t too worried about the outcome, because Brendan wasn’t there.

    “How can you guys do this? Just say in this house for days upon days… I think I’m going insane and you guys seem to love it.” I ran my fingers through my thick, bushy brown hair.

    “We have no where to be yet.” Alex said simply, biting into his pepperoni pizza. I made a confused face, but no one continued the conversation so I asked another question.

    “How do you know you have no place to be?” I lost attention to my slice of pizza kept watching for Aarons reaction, because out of the three of them he would show the most without realizing it.
    As suspected, Noah and Alex’s facial expression didn’t change at all but Aaron let a little frown show on his face as he stared uncaringly at the pizza boxes displayed out before us.

    “It’s because we’re stuck with you,” Noah said immediately, but I knew that wasn’t the real reason.

    “Just tell me. It’s not like I’m ever leaving this house, I’m stuck here forever now why are you? Really.” I asked again and Aaron sighed.

    “It’s because the guy we work with, the one who ordered us to kidnap that girl named Amanda, knows how bad we messed up and he is really mad at us.” Noah shot Aaron a dirty look.
    “Does she really have to know? It’s not like it concerns her at all.” Noah said disgustingly giving me a dirty look, I rolled my eyes.

    “Yeah, your guy’s mistake had nothing to do with me, good point.” I said sarcastically looking at Alex knowing he would tell me everything later. “I just want to do something, I’m bored.” Whining was my specialty and suddenly Noah slammed his fist against the table with such a force it made the pizza boxes shuffle.

    “You could be dead, would you like that a little bit more?!” He yelled at me and I pursed my lips together to keep myself from lashing out but before I even thought of anything witty Alex jumped in.

    “Oh can it Noah. The only reason your mad right now is because you damn well what’s going to happen next.” I looked at Alex with a confused expression before letting out an awkward chuckle.

    “What? No one will be around to clean his boxers?” No one answered. “No one will attempt to make dinner?” I guessed and still nothing, and suddenly I was finding it hard to breathe. “Well? What is it? What is damn well doing to happen next?”

    Before anyone could say anything, if they were going to, the kitchen door opened widely and every set of eyes landed on the random man who stood in the doorway. He was a random man to me, with a very large build. This man seemed to be dressed up, yet casually at the same time with black trousers, black tailored jacket, and a dark blue dress shirt. This man was a stranger to me but I could tell by the look in their (Noah, Alex and Andrew) they knew him and they were all afraid of him.

    “Hello boys.” His voice boomed deeply and welcomingly, but his eyes were such a dark brown that it was hard to decipher the difference between the blacks of his eyes and the browns. I gulped the lump that was building in my throat as Noah stood up, always the leader now cowering, his head lowered.

    “Hey.” I had never heard Noah sound like that, sound so guarded and empty, the twins said nothing.

    The man nodded knowing, still standing in the door way. He looked around himself before smiling. “What? My boys not going to let me in?” The man laugh joyously before letting himself in and closing the door behind him. “I wont be able to stay too long, Brendan is keeping the car warm for me, but this shouldn’t be too hard.” The man talked mostly to himself.

    “What are you talking about Tony?” Noah asked, resting half on the table and partly standing on his feet trying to match Tony’s casual persona.

    “You boys. You know you messed up.” Tony’s eyes fell on mine for a brief second before flashing to Noah’s. “Can you, uh. Do something with the girl while I talk.” The guys probably forgot I was even in the room they were so used to me being there, but it’s not like what Tony said was a question, more like a demand. I got myself up and gave Noah a quick look before walking out of the kitchen/dinning area, through the living room to the stairs. I walked up the stairs loudly, but not obnoxiously because I could tell they were waiting for me, but when I heard Tony clear his throat I knew they thought I was successfully up the stairs.

    “Noah, Andrew, Alex. I commend for attempting to fix the mistake you all made by not killing that girl. I know that I yelled at first and that I was very mad at all of you… but I found a way to have that girl help us.” There was an uncomfortable silence between the men, and to match it I held my breath. “Don’t give me that look Noah, nothing bad is going to happen. It will just be you boys fixing your mistake, permanently.” I couldn’t hold my breath any longer, and I couldn’t bring myself to listen to Tony talk anymore. Slowly and cautiously I walked up the stairs silently and went into Noah’s room keeping the door open and lounged on his bed.


    What was this man going to do to me?

Please give me feedback so I know how I can improve this. (:

Telling me you love it makes me happy too though! x)

If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora