***Final Author's Note***

41.6K 1.5K 194

Ohhhh my gosh... Where do we even start?!

This has been one amazingly, crazy, inspiring, uplifting, sometimes frustrating, fan-fucking-tastic experience for the both of us!! When we first joined Wattpad, one thing we said was... "Give us any great book that we can lose ourselves in and we're happy. So one day we thought...Imagine if we wrote something that could do that for others..." and to be told by our readers that we've accomplished that with this story, to know that we succeeded...it's priceless. We're amazed everyday by the support and kind comments we receive and by how far our book has come.

So to everyone who has read, voted, or commented, to our ghost readers, to those who have been here since the very beginning, to those who are new, to those surprising us at the end, even to those who hate this book (though we're lucky to say it's been very few), THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!




Thank you to our family and friends who have been incredibly supportive, we love you so much!

And thank you to our special Wattpad friends that we've made, especially those of you who have been around since nearly day one, since the days our book wasn't ranked at all, the days that it sat at a few hundred reads. Thank you for your encouragement, your friendship, your always awesome feedback and comments. You know who you are!!! We <3 you for always!!

Ahhhhhhhh! We wrote a whole book, Kara!

I know, Michelle!! It's crazy!!



Cue the happy dance music.



***Read ahead for Breeder Nation extras ***

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