One Million Reads!!! And a little giveaway too. ;) GIVEAWAY CLOSED

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Gahhhh! What is this life?!

One million reads!?!

Words can't even describe how this feels, but we're sure as hell going to try...


We are so unbelievably thankful for our readers (you guys!), for those who love and support us, and for the kind and encouraging and inspiring comments we receive from you guys everyday.


Thank you for loving our story.

Thank you for keeping our fires lit, the ones that started burning when we discovered this love for writing and storytelling.

It doesn't matter how busy we are, or what kind of ups and downs we may be navigating through in our personal lives, we can't not stop and quiet our minds, let this sink in, and feel nothing but absolute gratitude. For you. For this journey. For all of it.

Thank you for this. It means the absolute world to us. <3


Now, for the fun stuff!

A ONE MILLION READS giveaway! (Giveaway Closed)

1st prize: A signed hardcopy of Breeder Nation, and a dedication in Breeder Nation here on Wattpad.

2nd prize: Breeder Nation ebook, and a dedication in Breeder Nation here on Wattpad.

3rd prize: A dedication in Breeder Nation here on Wattpad.

What you need to do to enter: Share our book! Share it on any or all of your social media outlets (and tag us) for an entry. You can enter as many times as you'd like by sharing as many times as you'd like ;) Just be sure to tag us and mention your Wattpad username so we can count every entry!

To tag us:
Instagram @karamichellebooks
Twitter @karamichellebks
Facebook @karamichellebooks
and Wattpad @karamichellebooks

You can share the link for our story on Wattpad:

OR, more preferably, share the link to buy our completely refreshed and edited version of Breeder Nation. It comes with a bonus novelette, Falling from Grace, in Grace's POV, that can't be found anywhere else.

The link for Amazon:

Don't worry! We still plan to post Book 2 here, as promised, but felt we had to add something extra to our published version as a thank you to anyone who goes out and supports us by buying it. ;)

Contest Ends: October 17th, 2016. Winners will be announced October 19th, 2016

And finally, you might be thinking... wait, what?! It's already out?? It is! We just haven't launched it yet, because we thought... how cool would it be for the readers who have been with us all this time to help us spread the word and officially launch our book?!

We think it would be awesome!

~Breeder Nation, officially launched October 3rd, 2016 by us and YOU. <3~

Thank you! Much Love, Kara Michelle


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