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I rub the sleep from my eyes and my mind slowly processes that the truck has stopped, and I'm in here alone. There's only a few blissful seconds where my mind forgets before the sinking feeling of guilt and regret invade. I bite my lip hard, trying to tuck those emotions away. I did what I felt I had to; there was no time to contemplate. It was that or watch the man take off with my friend, never to be seen again. I'm going to have to accept that.

The truck is parked in a driveway, and I stretch and yawn as I take in the house before me. It's huge, and it's beautiful. It somehow seems untouched by the devastation and disaster that's affected the rest of the world. The giant two story home stretches in each direction and large, opulent windows stare back at me. It's made up of wood panels and brick, giving it a rustic, country feel. It's like nothing I've ever seen, not in real life anyway. Even the big houses in Los Angeles don't come close to how beautiful this home is. The plants and weeds are long overgrown but have somehow managed to survive all on their own. They frame the house, swirling up and around it, adding to its mystery and beauty.

A figure appears at one of the windows, and I immediately recognize it as Aiden. He gives me a quick wave then turns and retreats. I expect one of them to come out the front door for me, but minutes tick by and I'm still alone. Something tugs at me deep...fear, fear that they're upset with me, mad at what I did to that man, but then I remember our drive and the quick conversation we had just before I fell asleep.

When we all hopped in the truck, Aiden sped away. He asked Alex what the hell had happened, and she explained that she was walking when she heard a truck skid around the corner. She dove into the first door she came across, but it was too late. The man had already seen her and screeched to a stop in front of the store. She ran out the back and around some buildings until she thought she had lost him and quickly began making her way back to the house. She could hear the truck somewhere in the distance and grew afraid, darting in-between buildings, rushing to find her way back, and that's when the truck came barreling down the street she was on, coming right towards her.

He slammed to a stop only a few feet away and darted out of the truck, immediately coming for her. When he caught up, he yanked her by the arm and told her to get in the truck or she'd regret not listening to him later. She tried to scream, but he covered her mouth with his filthy hands. He muttered something about Breeders and her being his special girl while she tried to fight him off, and that's when Aiden and I had come around the corner.

After hearing her story, Aiden shook his head and grabbed her hand, staying silent. It was a quiet ride, too quiet. It gave me too much time to think about what I'd done, the look on the man's face when I shot him, the sight of him bleeding out on the sidewalk. I swayed between guilt and conviction, between hoping the man hadn't completely bled out and died, and hoping he did for what he must have intended to do with Alex. The beady eyes of that deranged man will haunt me forever.

Just as I shifted away to try and escape my feelings with sleep, Alex spoke up.

"Thank you, Maddie," she turned to me to say.

Aiden nodded in agreement, "You saved her Maddie. I froze, and you did what I couldn't. I'll always be grateful to you for that."

Tears started to well in my eyes, and I took a deep breath. Nodding was all I could manage as a reply, and Aiden reached over to pat my knee while Alex rested her head on my shoulder. I leaned my head against the door and fell into a deep, heavy sleep.

I'm not even sure how long we drove or how long I've been out here alone. But I sit here awhile, watching the slow fade of the sun as it disappears over the horizon. It's mindless and easy. The sky grows darker, and I think my emotions are finally at bay, resting there to be dealt with at another time along with everything else.

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