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Update: August 30, 2018


Breeder Nation themed book sleeve winner is: @Dawn10013


Hello Breeder Nation Fam,

Due to a contract we'll be entering shortly (Eeeeek!!) 🤩 we had to close the Kindle prize portion of this contest today, pick the Kindle winners early, and remove Breeder Nation from Kindle, once again! Oops! 😬

Here are the lucky winners: @_bookish_0503
@Splash_The_Seawing and @turtlefeathers

Congratulations!! Please DM us with your email address to claim your prize by the end of today. We'll be drawing a winner for the BN book sleeve after that portion of the contest ends on August 30th. So keep entering and stay tuned!!

To all who entered we thank you, appreciate you and love you all so much!!! 😘😘😘

Kara Michelle♥️💙

***NOTE: Some details have been changed, we blame this on Mercury Retrograde (and Amazon rules we were not aware of.)***

Hello, everybody!!! To all the beautiful souls who still care what we have to say, we love you, we love you, we love you! Thank you for sticking around. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for loving our story. Thank you for being awesome. <3

We have a few announcements:

1) First and foremost, we wanted to let you know that we will be re-publishing Breeder Nation on Kindle! When? In celebration of Travis's birthday we will re-launch Breeder Nation on August 8th, 2018. (Travis's Bday!) And we will be giving away five free copies, Travis's birthday gift to you! It is our most updated, clean, and edited version, and includes a One Nation Under sneak: Maddie's prologue. Yay!

2) In honor of Travis's birthday, we'd like to know... What makes him such a great book boyfriend?! What do you love about him most?  Drop a comment here, and tag a Wattpad friend that you think would love Breeder Nation, and you'll be entered into a giveaway to win one of five free Kindle copies, and/or a one of a kind, Breeder Nation themed book sleeve! It's a comfy-cozy place for your book to live while you're reading it, so the corners and pages don't get bent and ruined during your travels. :) (Winners will be chosen and notified on August 30th, 2018. Open to anyone, anywhere. Must be 18 to enter OR have parent permission. This giveaway is not sponsored by or affiliated with Wattpad in any way.)

3) Falling from Grace, the novelette in Travis's younger sister's POV, inside of Breeder Nation here on Wattpad, will be published on Kindle as well! On August 8th. And it will be available for free for five days! Yay again! And after that, it will be $.99, or free in Kindle Unlimited. Because of that, we will be removing it from Wattpad on August 7th, 2018.

4) Lastly, if you download either Breeder Nation or Falling from Grace on Kindle (or win a copy through this giveaway), please, please, PLEASE show us your love and support and leave a review! That's all we ask. Thank you so much!

<3 Kara & Michelle

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