Breeder Nation Playlist

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Hello, everybody!! <3 We wanted to share with you some of the songs that have inspired us while writing Breeder Nation. Some of them capture our character's feelings so perfectly, while others just happened to put us in the perfect mood to write. We hope you enjoy them!! And check out our book trailer up there ^^^ as well! <3 <3

Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Runaway

Yuna-Lullabies <3

Stateless- Bloodstream

The XX- Angels

Ellie Goulding- Love Me Like You Do

Arctic Monkeys- Do I Wanna Know?

Sia- Breathe Me

Lilly Wood & The Prick and Robin Schulz- Prayer In C

Robert Delong- Long Way Down

Angus Stone- Broken Brights

Milky Chance- Stolen Dance

Shinedown- Follow You Down (A big one for Kara)

The Neighbourhood- The Beach & Float

Sir Sly- Inferno

Band of Horses- The Funeral

Twenty One Pilots- Goner, Doubt, & Fairly Local   |-/

Jemma Johnson (Taylor Swift)- I Know Places

Nora Jones- Not Too Late  (UGH! <3)

There they are!! <3 <3 <3 Thanks for the continued love and support for Breeder Nation and us, Kara Michelle!! We are so grateful to you!

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