16. Yellow Rose

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Hello my awesome readers! Here is the (somewhat unedited) chapter that you all have been waiting for. Sorry it took so long, the author's note in the previous chapter explains my situation. I'll be deleting that after I post up this chapter though, just because I don't like to keep long author's notes as chapters. 

One thing I would like to say is that I don't appreciate the rude messages I keep recieving about updates. I will not be replying to any of them and some of those messages are just plain annoying. I like to read everyone's comments, but those type of messages that DEMAND me to "update or else" are honestly ticking me off. I'm not intending to be rude, but please understand where I'm coming from.

Lastly, enjoy the chapter and make sure to send me feedback on how you liked this. Please vote if you enjoyed and follow/fan if you would like to see more of my work.

colourfulsprinkles xx

Last chapter short recap:

Valerie comes to the party with Luciano after their extravagant date. She kisses him and thinks that Christian's father, David saw her. Meanwhile, Christian is talking to Jon about Valerie and he tells Jon that all he feels for Valerie is hate. Valerie goes inside and finds Christian, who is angry at her as usual for her late arrival. Then later, Valerie finds David who asks her how much Christian is paying her to pose as his girlfriend. As Valerie is walking outside, Jon sneaks up on her and talks to her about his plans. He mentions that he needs to destroy all obstacles, and Valerie is an obstacle. He pushes her into the ocean and Valerie cannot swim. She goes unconscious.

Chapter 16

Yellow Rose 

            I was falling.

            That was the first thing I felt.

I was falling helplessly into a never ending abyss of darkness, with nothing but my thoughts left to surround me.

I felt like I was conscious but asleep at the same time. It was the weirdest feeling and I didn't like it one bit.

I felt empty. The silence was deafening and echoed throughout my head. I did not know where I was. And I definitely did not see ‘the light’ anywhere.

Is this death? That dreaded moment of an individual’s life? Once, someone told me that death is peaceful, and much simpler than life could ever be. It’s supposed to be easier, isn’t it? This wasn't easy, it was painful.

My chest was aching, and there was nothing I could do about it, except continue to fall, as I had lost control of my body.

The memories flew about all around me, taunting, whispering, screaming, until I was sucked into one of them.

June 15th

            I was trying hard to control my laughter as I ran into my dorm room. I knew he was behind me, so I quickly closed the door, but making sure to not lock it.


            The best hiding spot right now, seemed to be behind the little beanbag chair. I knew he would find me, but that was the point of this little chase. Just as I dove behind the chair, the door flew open.

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