4. Little Black Dress

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Hey everyone! Here's chapter four! Let me know what you think. Oh and by the way, the picture on the side is of Valerie's dress and shoes--------------------->




colourfulsprinkles xx

Chapter Four

Little Black Dress

Valerie’s POV

    I quickly unwrapped my sub, taking a big bite. Mmm, this tastes delicious. Christian had left half and hour ago and I was starved so I bought this sub sandwich.

   Yes! I cheered inwardly as my gaze rested upon the clock. Only one more hour to go and then I can leave. I ate my sandwich as fast as I could and then washed it down with some iced-tea. Better to not leave any crumbs behind, Valerie, or the big bad wolf might actually eat you alive.

   Just as I finished cleaning up my mess, the phone on Christian’s desk rang. Should I pick it up? What do I say to whoever is on the phone? Do I even have the right to pick it up? Of course you do, Valerie, you’re his assistant not his girlfriend, so technically picking up his calls is part of your job.

   “Uh, hello?” I asked, putting the phone to my ear.

   “Hey, Valerie, it’s me, Lindy.” It was the nice, desk lady.

   “Hi Lindy, what can I do for you?”

   “I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Reyes just gave me a call and he said you can leave early today, since he won’t be coming back anyways.”

   “Whoa. That’s great! Thank you Lindy, anything else?” I asked, jumping with joy on the inside to be able to leave early.

   “Oh um yeah there was one thing he asked me to tell you. He said something about cleaning his office before you leave. I don’t know why he said that, he refuses the help of the janitors we have to clean his office anyways.” She sounded confused.

   That jerk! Despite having people already here to clean, he makes me do it! “Thanks Lindy and don’t worry I know what he means. Bye.” I hung up after hearing her say, “See you tomorrow.”

   “And you’ll never believe this; he makes me clean up after him when he already has people to do that for him!” I was venting to my best friend, Becky, while I was re-cleaning Christian—AKA Ass-tian’s—office.

   “He sounds like quite a challenge. Must be a tough boss to have.” Becky replied with a somewhat muffled voice. She must be eating something. I concluded. Becky’s always eating anyways.

   “Tell me about it. He had some random temper tantrum today and ran away for the rest of the day. I’m not complaining though, at least I got let out early.” I finished cleaning up his office (finally) and then got my bag and made my way to the elevator.

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