It Got That Pepto Bismo Resemblance

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I know I said I was going on Hiatus (Blah I hate spelling lol You guys are soo lucky I edit my stuff) and I actually am for the rest of the month but I just wanted to put this up quickly.

Chapter 6:

Jace and I were getting along great. He showed me around Toronto a bit and we explored the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) all day doing wacky things. I felt normal for once and I could actually be me around Jace and I just loved it.

We had walked around some park that Jace explained that he went to frequently. He had told me the name of it but I just can’t remember right now. There had been a hot dog vendor at the corner and Jace insisted he buy the lunch;

“Don’t you just love hot dogs straight off the street?” he asked while he walked towards the vendor with me in tow one or two steps behind him.

I looked down at my feet with a slight blush and then said, “um I’ve never had one before actually.”

He stopped and looked at me with a look of incredulous in his eyes, “really you’ve never had a hot dog from a vendor on the streets before?’

“No in fact, I haven’t had a hot dog since I was eight years old.”

“WHAT!!!!! How do you live woman!” he yelled a little too loudly because the few people in the line for the vendor were staring at us funnily.

I like attention but not so much this kind of attention. They looked at me as if I was a loser and trust me ASHLEY TURNER WAS/IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE ANYTHING BUT a loser. I’m not completely complaining, I mean attention is attention never the less, but I still preferred the type of attention where boys gazed and stared at me with lust filled in their eyes and girls staring and glaring at me with a look of envy and hatred for stealing their boyfriends heart and crushing them in my palm and keeping them locked up in my pocket. Yeah I was cruel but that’s one of the other things Love about being famous, that no  one other  can touch you even though they all want you. Oh . . . that and the fact that I am bloody rich.

But I couldn’t help but feel a little un-nerved that they were looking at me in this new way. I mean no one would dare look Ashley Turner in the eyes so why do they think they could start now?

A lock of my newly dyed brown hair fell in front of my eyes making me realize why I was being disrespected.

It’s because no one knows who I am, I thought to myself, mentally slapping myself in the process.

I looked up to see Jace talking to the vendor and then handing the vendor a five dollar bill that was colored blue. I always found Canada’s ‘Monopoly’ money so intriguing. I mean all different colors, can someone say BRILLIANT?!!

“Thank you sir,” the vendor said while putting the money away and into one of his pockets. He then took two huge, juicy hot dogs and put them on a portable barbecue thing that was beside him. While they were cooking he went over to a corner at the back of the hut to a portable fridge filled with ice and drinks. He took something out of it then came back over to us and set three lemonades down on the counter.

                “I hope lemonade is OK Ash,” Jace said while taking the lemonade off the counter and handing me one. He opened one of the two he had in his hands, lifted it up to his lips and chugged it. When he was done he tossed it into a small trash can on the left side of the red and yellow vendor. He then went and opened the second lemonade.

                “Someone has some un-healthy obsessions,” I commented referring to Jace chugging down a full bottle of lemonade in less than ten seconds.

                “I can’t help it, I love me some lemonade just like I love Ashley Turner and Megan Fox, sweet and sexy.”

                “Wait, you think lemonade is sexy?” I jumped slightly inside at the sound of my name and sexy in the same sentence but ignored it since he doesn’t know he just called his new roommate sexy or that his new roommate is hanging around on posters hung up on his wall in a thong and revealing bra . . . so I tried to just let what he said slide and not take it to heart and get too cocky here.

                “Sure I do, I mean what’s not to love about it?”

 He said completely oblivious to my internal ranting.

                “Uhh I hate to be the one to burst your bubble and say this but that stuff kind of looks like pee. Well at least the yellow stuff is because the pink lemonade just looks like Pepto Bismo.” I said, trying to put him down lightly.

                “Your hot dogs are ready sir,” the vendor said interrupting us from our discussion and handing us each one of the hot dogs. I must admit that they looked completely mouth-watering. I don’t even care how much fat is in them right now and that itself is saying a lot.

                After we had eaten our hot dogs we started talking about why I compared lemonade to urine and Pepto Bismo , “an awkward conversation to have but it was fun never the less.

                Jace said, “Well you my dear, have an interesting imagination but school start tomorrow so we better get back to my pad. Plus it’s getting dark and little miss diva here,” Jace said pointing to me, “needs to be well rested for her first day is school.”

                I rolled but eyes but let him drag me back to his place. Before I went to bed I made sure to pick out a nice outfit from one of my suitcases. I decided I would unpack my stuff through-out the week but needed to concentrate now on what will make a good first impression Hence, not to revealing to be deemed a slut and not to covered up to be deemed a nun. After maybe an hour and a half of searching I finally found the perfect outfit.









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