Atomic Betty Reporting for Duty

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After we had eaten our hot dogs we started talking about why I compared lemonade to urine and Pepto Bismo , “an awkward conversation to have but it was fun never the less.

                Jace said, “Well you my dear, have an interesting imagination but school start tomorrow so we better get back to my pad. Plus it’s getting dark and little miss diva here,” Jace said pointing to me, “needs to be well rested for her first day is school.”

                I rolled but eyes but let him drag me back to his place. Before I went to bed I made sure to pick out a nice outfit from one of my suitcases. I decided I would unpack my stuff through-out the week but needed to concentrate now on what will make a good first impression Hence, not to revealing to be deemed a slut and not to covered up to be deemed a nun. After maybe an hour and a half of searching I finally found the perfect outfit.

Chapter 7:

(A/N The video at the side is the Atomic Betty theme song)

The most horrid thing ever woke me up in the morning, turns out Jace’s alarm and wake up call consists of screaming people with screaking instruments all playing at the same time and calling it music. That wasn’t even the worst part, Jace had it set up to full volume. I mean Full Blast are you Bloody Serious? It’s 7.20 in the fricken morning and you decide to have an alarm that hurst everybody. Yeah that’s right I did say it hurts everybody; the singer will loose his voice in a few years and the other band member and Jace and I or anybody else listning to the music on friggin’ full blast, will loose our hearing.

All of a sudden though, the music stops and I hear footsteps leading out to the kitchen. The footsteps stop in front of my door and Jace says, “You up Ash?”

“How could I not be. I’m sure the people down the street are even up as well.”

“Hey, you live with me and your just gonna have to deal with it.”

“Oh Joy!” I said sarcastically adding an eye roll into it even though he can’t see me due to the closed door.

“Take a shower and then meet me in the kitchen for breakfast, I’m cooking today but tomorows your day.”

“What if I can cook?” I asked and I honestly couldn’t do anything other than cereal and even then I always miss the bowl when pouring the milk. I always had servents to make verything for me so I never really tried to make anything either.

“Of course you can, all females can cook, it’s just in their blood. Women cook, they always have and always will.”

“You know, most women will find that kind of offensive.” I said. I personaly didn’t care but I know of many people who would because we all know how sassy and bitchy some can get and even saying something like ‘the color red doesn’t always work for everyone’ can totally set them off and before you know it they’re set out to kill you and will show up at every premiere you attend and follow you to Paris and will follow you to ‘Le Boutique’ and show up in your hotel suit with a machete and when you call security on them they go super psycho trying to kill you and steal all you own and then when security finally arrives they try to bang the security guard (A/N That’s What She Said) with the Machete until they get escorted out by the entire police county while screaming “I will get you Ashley Bitchy Turner, I will get you”   .   .   .   I mean not that that’s ever happened to me   .   .   .

“Yeah that’s true but you aren’t like most women,” Jace said. “Now take your shower.”

I watched his shadow retreat into the kitchen through the bottom of the door. Once I was sure he was gone I went to start the shower.

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