Chapter 3

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Anna's P.O.V

"Ahh, so you remember me?" He gave a small smile.

I rolled my eyes at him and nodded,

"How could I not remember you?"

He looked down and chuckled under his breath.

God he's so hot... Wait what am I saying?! Be quiet Anna

"So, what are you doing out so late?"

He said knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um.." I looked down not wanting to talk about it, but I guess he didn't catch on to that.

"Are you going to answer me?" He asked getting closer to me

I'll admit, I was a bit nervous.

I bit down on my lip and looked down.

"Well, my mothers in the hospital... And I was going to go see her."

I told with tears threatening my eyes.

He looked at me with soothing eyes, and wiped the tears away. I only gave him a fake smile.

"I'm sorry love.."

He looked down then spoke

"Do you want a ride?"

I didn't really know what to say...

Without thinking, I nodded.

He smiled at me, then opened the door for me. I gave him a polite smile and stepped inside of the car.

The car ride was silent the whole way to the hospital. I could feel him look over at me a few times. I just looked out the window the whole time.


We finally got to the hospital and i began to gather my things.

"Um thank you for the ride... It was nice" I gave a small smile.

He just looked at me without saying anything. I was about to get out and he grabbed ahold of my wrist.

He cleared his throat and licked his bottom lip. "D-do you want me to go with you?"

"Um, yea sure" I nodded and smiled.


We walked in and asked what room my mother was in.

Louis and I walked past a bunch of doors before we finally came up to my mothers.

I opened the door and saw my mother lying down asleep.

I smiled slightly with tears filling my eyes. I'm glad that she was doing okay.

Louis took a seat and began to look on his phone. I sat next to my mom and held her hand, slightly rubbing circles on her hand with my thumb.


*3 hours later*

Louis fell asleep and my mom was still asleep. I was checking my Instagram and saw a picture of five boys, and one of them looked a bit like Louis.. Except he didn't have as many tattoos and piercings. Hmmmm

My mom finally woke up and we were talking for what seemed like hours but was actually only a few minutes. I've always been a mommys girl. I never really had a good relationship with my father. He left me and my mom when I was 11 years old..

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my mom asked me a question.

"Sweetheart, who's that boy over there?"

I looked down at my feet feeling a bit uncomfortable. I looked over a Louis and he had just woken up. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Are you to dating?", she questioned.

My eyes went wide, " of course not mom why would you-"

I was cut off by Louis and he had a smirk on his face.

"Actually she is my girlfriend"

I looked over at him and was mentally strangling him. I couldn't believe he just said that.


Hey guys!(:

Thank you for reading my story!!!

I hope you're enjoying it(:

Sorry I haven't updated lately, I'll try to update more often

Follow my Instagram @simply.mik.ayla

Bye beautiful people!!

Stay strong

Stay lovely

And most importantly stay sassy



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