Meet The Mom

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Wish appeared at her door and her heart almost stopped. She stared at the man in front of her. He seemed like a well-to-do businessman wearing a white polo over a pair of khaki casual trousers, with brownish slicked back hair sitting above a handsome face with those bright eyes and cute little dimples.

"Hey," he greeted her.

"Hey." She barely had time to register anything else before Wish brought her back down to earth.


"Um...yeah," she nodded. "W-who are you? What did you do to Wish?"

"Why? Can't a tattooed guy look decent?" Wish glanced down at himself.

"No! I mean, yes. You look good and overly proper." Roxanne laughed a little. "I didn't know you were really coming. Why don't you come in? I'm just waiting for the kids to finish lunch." Roxanne turned around and took a needed step to breathe.

Wish followed her inside the house. He saw the kids eating in the kitchen and smiled at them, waving.

"Sorry, the house is quite a mess. You know, if you have kids loitering around you really can't tidy your home anyway. They will keep on playing and mess up everything," Roxanne said while taking out the garbage.

"No, it's fine, really. Don't worry about it. I used to take care of my younger siblings. This is not new to me at all," Wish said, looking at the pictures on the wall.

"Let's eat," Tinay offered.

"Thank you," Wish nodded his head at her and gave the nanny an appreciative smile.

"Please have a seat. Just ten more minutes, promise."

"Thanks," Wish smiled. "It's okay, no worries."

Roxanne went over to the table and attend to her kids. Her world revolved around her kids.

"This is Maximus and Daniella." The introduction was making her feel uneasy.

But she wasn't really dating Wish. So, introducing him to the kids shouldn't have been a big deal. Yet, Roxanne feared that when she introduced the children to someone, the children might assume it actually meant something, and then if the man disappeared, they might feel rejected.

He was just a friend, she assured herself.

"Say hi to Wish. He is Mommy's friend."

"Hi," the twins greeted in unison.

"Hi, kiddos." Wish miled fondly.

The twins finished their meal and huddled around Wish when Roxanne went to the sink to help Tinay with the dishes.

"Do you work with Mommy at the call center?" Maximus asked.

"No, I'm her bartender friend."

"Where do you live Tito Wish?" Daniella sat on his lap and asked. Her vocabulary was advanced for her age, and she was very inquisitive, like her mother.

Tito Wish? Roxanne heard Daniella as she brought the last plates to the kitchen.

"My family lives in Baguio, but I'm currently staying at my condo in Cubao. I go home every week to spend the weekend with them."

"Where is Baguio?" Maximus asked.

"It's far from here. The weather in Baguio is cold. There's fog, grilled corn, peanut brittle, pine trees and strawberries. It's a beautiful place."

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