Chapter 2. Getting Settled

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"So here's your room." You said opening the door. You tried to keep your expression neutral as you entered the one room in your house that was always closed. You flipped on the light and waved around like you were on a TV show. "There's a closet and a bed and a night stand. Uh, I guess you don't have any stuff. But we can go to town, or uh, I can go to town and get stuff." He nodded and walked to the middle of the room. He stood still without looking at you. "Um so I guess that's it." He looked up at you for a second. "Are you hungry? I'm making lunch in a while." He nodded and you started to leave the room. "Alright I'll let you know when it's done." You walked out into the living room. Your main house was fairly small. Two bedrooms two bathrooms. The living room was connected to the kitchen. You had a table next to your couch that you used for dinner. You grabbed your coat and headed outside. The sky had a dark tint to it. That morning you had noticed the sky was a light peach.

Red sky at morning sailors take warning, red sky at night sailors delight.

You were willing to bet it was going to rain today. Bucky would have to wait a bit before you could go to town and get supplies. Your old dodge truck was never going to make it to town while it's raining. Hell, without rain it might not even make it.

Maybe I should save some of that money for a new car.

You turned into the cornfields and picked an ear. Turning it over in your hands you analyzed whether it'd be ready for harvest soon. Yesterday if you had looked at the corn you would've been worried. It had at least another week until it was ready but you needed to make money now. That wasn't a worry anymore for you.

Thank you S.H.I.E.L.D

You closed the gate and headed down the long path that was your driveway. Your grass was in dire need of a mow but you hadn't found the time to do it. Luckily out here you didn't have to worry about neighbors complaining. Hell you hadn't had a neighbor in 5 years. The adjacent farms to yours were foreclosed. You were all alone out here, but you liked it that way. Going into town ment seeing all the locals that knew you and your family. Locals who would give you that look, the one of pure pity. Your eyes narrowed at the thought. Finally you reached the entrance of your farm and opened the mailbox. Pulling out several bills and one personal letter from the county sheriff. You broke the seal and opened it up immediately.

Dear (Y/N),

On April 30th, the town will host a carnival to commemorate our soldiers. I personally would love for you to join us. I think it would be nice if you could be there to represent your father and John.

Sheriff Heath

You tore the letter in half. You tried to keep your cool but you were angry.

Sheriff Heath. Asshole

You and the Sheriff had went to school together. Back in highschool he was always asking you out. Every dance, every weekend, you could count on him asking you. Of course you always used Sam as an excuse. "Sorry I'm going with Sam." Or "Sorry Sam and I are hanging out." It was the perfect diversion. Because in highschool nobody messed with Sam. Therefore they never messed with you.

You held the two pieces of the letter in your hands and stormed back to the house. As if corresponding with your mood the sky rumbled above you. You walked quicker to the house. Sure rain was just water but you'd prefer to stay dry. You reached the house and entered shutting the door behind you. You looked at the clock. 12:34.

Guess I'll make lunch

You walked into the kitchen and started to make sandwiches. You had enough groceries to make BLTs. As you opened up the mayo you heard the light footsteps coming down the hall. You quickly threw together another sandwich and went to grab a plate from the top shelf. You were just short enough that you couldn't see the bowl that was balanced on top of the plate you lifted. Your eyes widened the bowl came hurtling down at you. You closed your eyes and waited for it to hit you in the face, but it never did. You opened an eye experimentally and your jaw dropped.

You knew the Winter Soldier had a metal arm. His photo had been all over the news a few weeks ago and the description gave said it. When he had been in your living room that morning his sleeves covered it, so you had temporarily forgotten. Bucky's arm was reached over your head holding the fallen bowl, only inches from your face. He sat it down on the counter and gave you a strange look.

"You are clumsy." He said before turning around and sitting at the table.

"Thank you." You said despite his comment. You put both of the sandwiches on a plate. "Is a BLT okay?" You asked him and he nodded. You grabbed a pitcher of lemonade from the fridge. He sat still at the table as you sat down the food and drink. You filled up your own glass with the homemade lemonade and took a sip. It was silent at the table as you both ate your food. You looked out the window and saw that it still hadn't rained. But you didn't want to risk it.

"There's a chance of rain today, and my truck won't make it to town if it does. I figured I'll make the trip to town tomorrow." You said while setting down your drink. "We can get you some clothes and stuff." He cocked an eyebrow and nodded. He reached over to pour himself a glass of lemonade and took a heavy gulp. Then he cleared his throat.

"What's wrong with the truck?" He asked. His voice was deep and he seemed uneasy using it.

"Oh, it's just really old. It was my dad's and I haven't ever really had enough money to get a new one- and I know nothing about cars." He nodded. You looked down at his plate, which was cleared clean. "Was the sandwich okay?" You asked and he nodded again. "I can make another if you are still hungry." You offered but he shook his head slightly. "Okay." You picked up your plate and stacked it on top of his. You took the dishes to the sink and began to wash them. Bucky moved you over slightly and took over. You were shocked for a bit. Because one, you hadn't heard him leave the table. Two, you were always used to doing the dishes, and Three, he hadn't said anything. "No you don't have to do that it's fine." He looked up at you with a pointed look and you backed away. Bucky Barnes was going to do the dishes and you'd better let him. Not that you were complaining, less chores for you were great. You still felt a pang of guilt as he started on the dishes that were just sitting in the sink from yesterday. Finally you came up with a compromise.
"How about you wash and I dry?" He didn't look away from the cup he was washing but he handed you it when he was done for you to dry. You both continued this until all the dishes were clean and put away.

You moved over to the couch and picked up a book you had sitting on the coffee table. You never were a fan of TV. Which could be another reason why Sam thought of you to take care of Bucky. You didn't have many new appliances. You still hung your clothes out on a wire to dry. You enjoyed reading instead of watching TV. You liked the quietness of living out here. You noticed Bucky awkwardly standing a few feet away like he wasnt sure what to do.

"Oh um, you looked around. Would you like something to read?" You had a huge collection of books. Mostly classics your mother had given you or things you had picked up at yard sales. He shook his head, looking at the wall. "Are you sure? I don't have much else to do here for free time." You stood up and went to your bookshelves. He followed you and stood a few feet away. "What type of books do you like to read?" You asked and he shrugged.

Great job (Y/N) why don't you ask him another question that he probably doesn't remember the answer to

"Oh well uhh." You flipped through a few books. You found one that you had read in highschool. "How about To kill a Mockingbird?" You handed the book to him. He stared at it blankly. "Its probably the only book I had to read for highschool English that I actually enjoyed. The author Harper Lee actually just died recently. She was from a town not far from here and everyone around here takes it kind of personally." Bucky looked up at you and his lips parted slightly as if he had a question. Then they closed. He nodded and took the book. "Let me know if you need anything else!" You called after him as he walked off to his room. You sat back down on the couch and opened your book.

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