Chapter 3. Sammy

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Your eyes opened at 4:30am. Ever since you took over the farm you had no need for an alarm. You woke yourself up on time every day to begin your chores. Usually you'd have everything done on the farm by 9. At that time you'd eat breakfast.

You got out of bed and put on some jeans and a tanktop. After looking a the thermometer you threw on a flannel too. After heaving on your old boots, realizing you were overdue for new ones, you headed out of your bedroom. You made sure to walk silently past the spare bedroom. Not many people liked to get up as early as you and you doubted the silent super soldier was one of them.

You grabbed your cellphone, one of the few pieces of technology you used, and headed out the back door. You made the short walk to your barn and opened the door. Sitting on one side was 4 measly barrels of hay. If you hadn't had the cash sitting on your desk in the house you'd be worried. With the new found confidence of having money you grabbed a barrel in each hand and started toward the field. You set them at the front near the fence and started to whistle. After only a few seconds you could hear a steady beating on the ground as the horses appeared over the small hill. Marge and Harry came first. They were large and majestic Clydesdales. Marge was just a bit taller than you at 5 4". Harry however, towered over you at an impressive 6 1". You'd won them both in a raffle at the county fair when you had just started living on the farm. They weren't the most practical horses for farmwork, but they did their jobs.

After Marge and Harry rounded the corner Bear made his way down. A few years after you'd gotten the first two Marge had fallen ill. In a panic you'd called the county vet who informed you that she was pregnant. So you ended up with three horses. Bear was 3 but he still hadn't grown into his full height. Following close to his heels was Sammy, your overly excited sheep dog. You sighed.

"Sammy you idiot! You aren't a horse!" Sammy bounced along with Bear. You'd found Sammy on the side of a road about the same time Bear was born, and the two were inseparable. You could barely ever get Sammy to stay in the house overnight. He usually would find some way to escape and go sleep with his "family".

You opened the gate slightly to allow Sammy to run through. He ran in circles around you panting and barking. You kneeled down to give him a few pats on the head.

"Hey dummy. Bet you're hungry huh? You aren't a gosh darn horse." You scooped up the squirming mass of fluff into your arms and walked toward the house. You opened up the door and let your arms relax so he'd jump out onto the floor. "Let's get you some food." You grabbed a can of wet dog food and poured it onto a plate. You placed it in front of the hungry dog who devoured it eagerly. You shook your head with a smile on your face.

You headed back outside to feed the chickens, water your personal garden, and check the corn again. By the time you got back to the house it was almost 7. You grabbed a rake from the barn and headed to the front of the house to rake. You still needed to mow, but that was a chore for another day. As you raked leaves you noticed the curtains moving.

Sunshines awake

The curtains moved again and you sighed. You had thought about it last night and it probably wasn't good for Bucky to be inside all the time. The next time the curtains moved you motioned for him to come outside. A few seconds later he came trudging out the front door. He was wearing the same outfit as yesterday. Yapping behind his heels was Sammy.

"Your dog is annoying." He grumbled. Sammy jumped up and rested his paw on the soldier's thigh. Bucky looked down to glare at the dog. If Sammy could sense Bucky's dislike he sure didn't show it. The happy dog just panted away and barked at him. You shook your head and chuckled.

"Sammy go find Bear!" The dogs ears perked up at the name of its best friend and he jumped off of Bucky. He ran around in circles a bit before taking off in the direction of the horse fields. You looked up to see Bucky giving you a confused look.

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