Hancock : pick up lines

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It was a cold day. Me and Hancock were bored out of our chem-addicted minds. We had nothing to do....and Preston finally is helping settlements other than me,cait,hancock,dogmeat and everyone else. Hancock and I were siting in a car trying to keep warm. I cuddled with him and I couldn't think of anything to do.
" Babe what do you want to do?" I whined.
He pulls me closer to him and moved his hand under my shirt.
"You." He says with a smirk.
Now wasn't the time.
"No, not now"
He frowned
"Why not?" he whined.
"1. It's cold. 2. Someone could see 3.because I said so."
"But seriously, what do you want to do?" I ask.
"Hmmm get high?"
"Last time we were both high it didn't end well."
He leans in towards my neck and starts to bite and suck.I let out a quiet moan.He leaves a Mark on my neck and smiles. An idea came to me.
"I know, to entertain ourselfs, how about a pick up line contest?."
Hancock thinks for a moment and does his smirk again.
"Not a bad idea...but your going first."
I think for a moment.
"Are you a camera? Beacuse every time I look at you I smile."
He smiles.
"I'm pretty sure YOUR a camera."
I giggle "your turn."
"No...no...all mine are dirty."
"Fine I'll go again. On a scale of 1 to 10 your 9 and I'm the one you need."
Hancock blushes and kisses my cheek.
"Aw~ your so cute" ,he says, "I love you."
I blush as well " Alright, quit avoiding the pick-up-lines and say yours"
"You sure? Mine are really dirty." He turns away from me looking embarrassed.
"I'm a 200 year old lady, I'm sure I can take it."
He looks back at me
"Are you a lock? Because I'm a lockpick and I'd like to hit your sweet spot."
I looked at him shocked and he had the most dull and bored face ever.
"I told-"
"IN DONE" I get out from the car and walk away.
Hancock exits the car as well
" thank you. I'll be here till I die" he laughts
I yell at the sky
"I can hear you" he yells at me.
After 10 minutes I calm down and we start walking back toward sanctuary. I come up with another pick-up-line.
"Are you an angel? Because God has been telling me about you."
Hancock turns around with a bored face. He continued to stare at me.
Then it clicked in my head.
"I have to beg for your love back don't I?"
He turns "on your knees"
"For beging? or the other reason to be on my knees?Lets be specific here...."
"Don't question my orders kiddo." He smirks.
"Caaaan we do this back in sanctuary? Now's not the time"
"Fiiiine but you owe me one"

Ok babe.

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