23 Day Ten- 9:01 A.M.

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The next morning, I'm woken up by an insanely loud honking sound. It's probably so loud because I'm still lying on the hood of the car with Elias next to me. Startled, I jump up and open my eyes, surprised that it's light outside because I was expecting it to be dark when I woke up.

"Let's go!" I hear Gabe shout as the horn honks again and I flinch at the loud sound so quickly after I woke up. "We're going to be late!"

As Elias is doing the same thing, I slide off of the hood and try to orient myself some more. Cassie and Gabe are in the front seat and Gabe is looking panicked. I don't really question anything because I'm still really tired so I just climb into the backseat with Elias and Mac, who is already sleeping under the window where he usually is.

I lay down again with my head on Elias's lap to go back to sleep but Gabe is ranting in the front seat.

"We were supposed to drive until we got there, what happened?"

"We took a nap," Elias says as an explanation with a tired yawn. "What time is it?"

"It's nine," Gabe responds. "The wedding starts at noon and we have two hours to drive."

"We'll make it on time," I mumble tiredly although I am pretty surprised that we slept all night on the top of the car. It wasn't that comfortable and I was only expecting to sleep for an hour, maybe two. Then again, we did sleep all night in a park's tunnel too.

"Dad is going to be so pissed," He mumbles from the front. I keep my eyes closed and start breathing deeply in hopes of going to sleep again. I hear Cassie and Gabe talking in the front but they keep their voices quiet as Elias and I go back to sleep in the backseat.

With three hours to get to the house and two hours left on the road, I'm not worried about making it on time but I do know that Gabe was right about our dad being pissed about us being so late. We were supposed to be there two days ago for the rehearsal dinner but now we're barely going to make it to the actual wedding in time.

I could care less about him being angry at us, as I've made so clear before, but it will sure be annoying when he's scolding us like we're children once we get to the wedding. Since Gabe is apparently his best man, he probably should have been there way earlier and that'll probably really stress out everybody but the important thing is that we'll get there on time.

I wake up an hour later when Elias is waking me up by shaking my shoulder. When I open my eyes to look up at him, he explains to me why exactly he must wake me up even though we have to be at least an hour away from the city.

"We have to get dressed," He tells me but when I look out the window as I'm sitting up, I notice that we're still moving.

"Won't we have time when we get to wherever the wedding is actually going to happen?" I counter but he's already pulling the back of the chair out to get into the trunk.

"We won't have time," Gabe answers for him. "So we'll get dressed now and then we'll switch and Cassie will get dressed too."

Just going along with it because I don't want to argue, I help Elias pull out all of our wedding outfits from the trunk. I basically have to crawl into the trunk of a moving vehicle to find all of the right luggage to get all of them open and find the right clothes but eventually, I'm able to gather Gabe's suit, my dress, and Elias's suit from our separate suitcases.

It's not as easy as Gabe seems to think that it is to get dressed in a cramped car because it's really hard. I take my shirt off and then get my dress over my head but I have to move around in awkward ways to get my arms all the way through and then I have to take my bra off because I'm wearing a sports bra. It shows on the back of the dress so I have to put a different bra on and then I have to take off my shoes in order to take my shorts off.

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