Chapter 11- Defending

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That following morning, I was up before David, ready to go home. I didn't sleep that much with thinking about the situation at the mall. I didn't even dare to go on any of the social sites like Instagram or Twitter, knowing that I was probably all anyone could talk about. I did just get a text from Hannah, saying I was a trending topic on Twitter, which is just a popular topic a lot of people tweet about. Apparently it was, Who Is Julia.

David and I walked through the hotel to exit, I kept silent since there was so much on my mind.

"Are you okay?" His deep voice cut my train of thought and brought me back into reality.

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you." I faked a smile before it soonly faded.

"Did you get the chance to talk with Niall last night?" He spoke through a smile that he tried so hard to hide.

"Actually, no. I went to bed a little after I got in, I was pretty tired.." I said with little to no emotion.

"Julia," David said once we entered the elevator, "I know all of what happened yesterday is new, it might not go away right away but if you and Niall continue to keep in contact, it will only get worse, but realize that you're under watch and safe. I have direct orders to keep you safe. You have the same protection as the boys." His deep tone filled the small moving box. I soaked in his comforting words.

"It's all so new to me.." I said, sorrowful, as I hung my head. "I'm scared to check my twitter in fear of the rude comments towards me..." I added, easing my eyes to Davids.

"Ignore them, they don't know you. You're so sweet and caring. Believe it or not, you're the first fan to ask me my name, you're the first fan I know to give away their ticket, regardless if you had another." He spoke with meaning and passion.

I kept silent, drifting my eyes to the opening elevator door. Having his words replaying over and over again in my head. As the doors fully opened, there was a crowd of girls, not as large as yesterdays but it was a big amount. There was another man waiting by the elevator doors when we stepped out. He got in front of me, "Stay close." He said bluntly. David, being behind me, he had his arms surrounding my body to block any contact from the girls.

Phones were being held in my face, some even had the flash on as others were for the front camera, a few girls trying to get a photo with me. "Keep your head down, Julia." David said loud enough, again, over the needy girls. My eyes shot to the floor, watching the feet of the mans who was in front of me.

In the chaos, I managed to hear some of the girls asking questions about Niall and I. Not saying a word, I started to hear girl getting mad.


I thought to myself.

It's going to be over soon.

I reminded myself. I lifted my head to see the exit only to have a phone being shoved in my face. "Head down." I heard Davids deep voice.

"Sorry." I said with a laugh at how quickly he responded.

When we reached the van, I hurried in the back with David close behind.

"Morning, Jackson." I greeted the driver with a smile, still laughing from Davids quick reaction.

"Goodmorning, Julia!" He smiled, looking through the rearview mirror.

"How has your morning been going?" I smiled, as I buckled my seatbelt.

"It's been good," He smiled, "and how about yours?"

"She was basically mobbed in there, leaving." David spoke, seeming to be quite annoyed.

"Kinda felt like picture day just extreme picture day." I joked, which brought a smile to Davids face.

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