38: Sweet Tooth

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"Happy birthday to youuu," We sang. Well, some of us sang. Others did fake voice cracks and screamed out the lyrics. Cough, Leo, cough.

"Alright, alright. Thanks guys," Jason laughed.

"Make a wish!" I half-shouted excitedly.

He paused thoughtfully before blowing out the candles.

We all cheered.

Then all of a sudden, Percy squished his cupcake into Jason's face.

He had started a war.

One by one, they dropped like flies as Leo smashed a cupcake into Annabeth's face, and she retaliated.

Hazel chucked a cupcake across the room, hitting Piper in the butt with perfect aim.

Frank slam-dunked a cupcake onto Leo's head, given the enormous height advantage.

I curled up in a corner, protecting my cupcake at all costs, hurriedly eating it before it was too late.

I decided to make a run for it, but when I stood and took two steps, I was met with a cupcake smothered into my face.

I slowly wiped the frosting off. I was out for blood.

Nico met my eyes with a glint.

I picked up the nearest cupcake and squished it into his hair, spreading it all over his head and into his face.

"Ha, I win," I triumphed.

He stepped closer to me.

"You sure? Here's one thing you don't know about me," he paused, smirking.

Nico kissed me on my icing-covered nose.

"I have a sweet tooth."

Nico di Angelo x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now